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Duke of Gloucester TTS decoder problems


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I am about to return for refund a Duke of Gloucester TTS sound model which was a replacement for a previous DoG that displayed the same issues. The TTS sound functions would fail and the loco would fail to respond to the controller. Resetting the decoder would cure the problem but it would then recur subsequently. Is this peculiar to TTS sound in general or the DoG in particular? Much as I like the TTS sound I have lost confidence in the reliability of the decoder. Has anybody else experienced similar or can offer any advice? Thanks.

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Do you have any other DCC loco's, sound-fitted or not, or is the DoG your only one. If you have others, do they display similar symptoms?

It has been proved that bad contacts or momentary short-circuits can reset or upset decoders, so I suggest you give your track a good looking at and clean, to check for bad fishplates, dodgy wire connections etc.

Derailments can cause short-circuits, as well, and sometimes a wheel-set that is not quite the right back-to-back measurement can cause shorts as they go over pointwork.

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Do you have any other DCC loco's, sound-fitted or not, or is the DoG your only one. If you have others, do they display similar symptoms?

It has been proved that bad contacts or momentary short-circuits can reset or upset decoders, so I suggest you give your track a good looking at and clean, to check for bad fishplates, dodgy wire connections etc.

Derailments can cause short-circuits, as well, and sometimes a wheel-set that is not quite the right back-to-back measurement can cause shorts as they go over pointwork.

I have 5 other DCC locos (none TTS) and all behave fine - no problems. I've tried the TTS on a test track basic circle with brand new rails - this is where the last issue occurred. So I don't think it's an issue with track or connections. I have also used both Hornby Select controller and e-Link - same issues arise either way.

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I have the DOG TTS and after changing the agorythm it is flawless ,I am running on NCE powercab ,I also have a few other TTS locos and they are just as good ,BUT ! I have had happen the same as you describe ,stops dead on the track ,but mine  starts up again and carries on as if nothing has happened ,I put it down to decoder error ,temporary loss of signal ,,,,

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STOP PRESS!! Thanks all for your replies. I have had an honest and helpful reply from the suppliers, so I quote:

"there has been a few issues with this particular model were the decoder has not been responding correctly. However the models that Hornby are currently producing with TTS seem to working and responding without any issues, you may get one or two out of a batch that may not work as it should, but this common considering the amount that is being produced. " mjb1961: interesting that you cured the problem. If you could explain how you changed the algorithm I'm sure it would be useful to people who encounter these problems.

Thanks again.

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Hi Keith ,,,,changing the agorythm ,,,,, your TTS Duke of GLOUCESTER will be set at agorythm 1 ,at the factory ,,to change it to agorythm 2 you need to Change the values in CV s ,,,,,CHANGE CV ----150 default 0   to   1 ,,,,,,CHANGE CV----154 default 50.   to. 215. And.   CHANGE CV----155 default 50.  to. 129  this should improve  poor jerky running quite a bit ,also TTS steam locos are best when being run at 128 steps ,,give it a try ,if you make a mistake you can reset the decoder to factory by changing cv8.  to.  8 ,,,mjb

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Thanks mjb. unfortunately, the loco is now winging its way back to the supplier. However, I will pass this info on to them - they may try your cure on my and other locos that have problems. Or they may well pass the info on to Hornby with whom they are in touch, being a major Hornby outlet.

RAF: thanks to you also. When you say 'speed steps' is this the same as acceleration rate? I thought the latter could be no higher than 99. Do I have my lines crossed?


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If moderator could correct the mis-spelling in the title and move the thread to TTS I'd be very grateful (I don't see how I can do this). Yes, I'll search the TTS forum. Thanks all.


Slight misunderstanding here.  There is no TTS forum, the correct forum for TTS being the DCC forum.  But what I meant was go to the search forums box at the bottom of the page and enter TTS as your search term.  Start with the default search in the topic title and there'll be many, so you will need to look through them for another with your problem. 

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Rob, given Keith has reset many times and the default is 128 speed steps, this is probably not the issue.


Keith, if you want to look at motor algorithm, it is covered in the loco leaflet, I think CV150 set to either 0 or 1.  You can't do anything about that with Select, it's very basic, but you can with RM and eLink.

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RAF: thanks to you also. When you say 'speed steps' is this the same as acceleration rate? I thought the latter could be no higher than 99. Do I have my lines crossed?

Speed steps is the amount of throttle given at at each tweak of the controller, think of it as number of notches between idle and flat out. Set at 128 gives small increments and smoother control, whereas less speed steps gives coarser control and bigger jumps between increments.


As Fishy says if you have reset the decoder by writing value 8 to CV8 then it will have defaulted to 128 speed steps, but you should look at how CV 29 works in that 2mm association link so that you understand the other things it controls.


accelleraration (and decelleration)  rates are controlled by CVs 3 & 4 and control the rate at which the controller applies (or reduces) throttle, quite separate from speed steps. TTS decoders need a minimum value of 15 for the sound to work properly, which is the default.

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Thanks everybody. Thanks moderator for amending the title of my post and moving it to DCC thread - I know I said TTS originally but thought I had posted to correct this to DCC. I wish I could have done this myself to save you the bother!

I have elink as well as Select - I could only reset the decoder using the elink, as you point out.

The loco has been returned before I could try any of the suggested cures, especially the algorithm. However, I have noted and am advising the supplier in case they want to try it, and I'm sure the replies on this post will benefit others in the future.

Thanks again.

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