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Loco control window out of sync


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Hi Guys,

Help needed if possible, I seem to have a problem with my RM / Elink 

The problem I am having is with the large loco control window being out of sync with the small loco window on just one of my loco's namely Eurostar class 373,  

I currently have 10 Loco's set up in RM and this problem only occures with the eurostar set up as loco 10,

If I open the large control window and set it to any speed or cruise or shunt the train acts as normal, if I then slow the train down it slows but will not stop, if I then press the stop button the slider on the large window drops to the bottom, (indicating stop) however in the small control window the slider goes up and increases the speed, if I then press the stop in the small window it stops...

I have tried deleting the loco and reinstalling even with a diffferent i.d. but to no avail, as stated this only happens on this one loco, all the others act as they should with either the large or the small control window.

This also occurs if I press emergency stop all trains stop apart from the eurostar

Has anybody else come across this problem or indeed if you can shed any light as to what is going on it would be much appreciated

thanks in anticipation


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Same thing with my Blue Rapier, second big throttle closes to stop but loco runs on and small throttle shows speed is still up. The only loco to do it.


If you untick scale speed it stops it, but I want to keep scale speed.


Reported long long time ago to HRMS and still not fixed.



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Thanks for the reply, sounds like a bit of a glitch then,, strange how it only does it with one loco,  I might try and set it up as a non discript and set up a speed range as if non hornby, see if that makes any difference.

Is that something you have tried ??

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Rob got in just ahead of me, I remembered his previous post highlighting the same or similar issue. It only seems to affect locos that have two decoders installed. Does your Eurostar have a second decoder in the dummy motor car?


A previous post (one of Rob's) stated that HRMS were unable to replicate the fault, if they can't replicate it, then it makes it difficult for them to fix it.


You may have to just live with it, as I presume he does. Well at least until HRMS can find the problem. To that end, it would probably be very helpful if you first replicated the fault on your system so that it was captured in your Railmaster log file. Then straight after, use the Help window 'Support Request' function. Document the issue in text and send in a 'report'. The reporting function will attach the log file and the resources.mdb file. HRMS may then be able to use your files to replicate the issue on their test system.

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Ive deleted it and relisted it both as its R-number and as an unsub (as they say in US crime dramas) and run it as linked and single coaches and with scale speed on and off.


One theory was proximity effect as someone had noticed theirs ran fine when not attached to the other decoder equipped car.


The deciders are hornby basic so not much I could adjust in the way of CVs.

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AHH now there is a thing,,,,, Mine only has one decoder in the main loco,(think its a g/master 26 if Memory serves) so it cant be that (well not on mine anyway lol) just seems verrryyy strange thing but sounds like a good plan of chrissaf to log it and send it through to HMRS 

One thing I have noticed is been sorting the laptop out today with the track layout and points etc. so the laptop is not plugged into the e link cause thats in the garage and i'm in the front room and it still throughs up the same fault and its not connected to anything ?????   (gremlins maybe)

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I have struck this problem of non stopping locos so I made a program which issues a stop command to every loco I have (with a 0.1 second gap in between lines) and connected it to a symbol (avatar, thing?) placed right in the middle of the track plan. Takes about 3 seconds to run and has never failed to pull everything up, unlike the All Stop button which seems to be a little "lazy" at times.

And if I recall correctly, my Eurostar with a Sapphire chip was the worst offender. Definitely seems like a software glitch.

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Hi Guys,

Sorry for my absence but was hit by the 3 post in 24hr rule plus been busy for last 2 days, however back now so apologise for the long reply but not sure how long the 3 in 24 lasts so will try and get it all in just in case it happens again,

Anyway back to the problem in hand......

Right as I said I would try deleting and reinstall again, did so using R1013 and also treid R665a but same problem occured, Next I tried with an install to a non discript loco on No. 10  with the picture of eurostar from loco folder, I set shunt speed at 12 and cruise speed at 148 But did not set a enter a speed factor so didn't set a top speed for the loco of which I believe to be 186 mph. YIPPPEEEE this actually worked, Open large loco screen and all speeds seemed to work and in sync with small loco screen, hit the large stop and the small dropped to the bottom and stopped as should do.... Wow result. all working fine, I can now control my eurostar.   Ahhh Hang on now need to set up speeds etc. so went into "set speed factor"   set top speed at 186mph and time to travel at 6.9 secs,      OH DEAR we have just broken it again,  hit the stop on the large loco control and it drops to the bottom, but the small loco control goes up to half way,   bear in mind that the laptop is still not connected to the track or the elink,   So My Thoughts are that there is something wrong with the speed settings in RM, and from what I can sumise it only seems to happen when the top speed is High, ?????????

I know this is a bit of a niggle and can be worked around by entering a non discript loco and not setting a speed factor but surely this is one of the major benifits of RM using scale speeds......

or am I wrong in my thoughts,  RAF96 metioned the same problem with a Blue Rapier, I am not familier with this loco but does this have a high top speed like the eurostar ?????   

(forgive my ignorance I am quite new to all this and still learning)


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Northome, you need to give yourself a pat on the back. Being methodical and applying logic you have at least come up with a theory that has merit in it (high speed loco). So many user posts just expect to be spoon fed a solution. At least you are making an effort......well done.


Plus, do keep providing status update reports, it is so helpful for the regular contributors on here who may not have experienced the issue first hand. It at least gives a clue for giving advice to others further down the line.

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And keep reporting it all back to HRMS.

Blue Rapier is a speedy beasty but not even dcc, so I had to convert it..

Regardless you have proven the snag is software and almost narrowed it down to which line in the code for them.

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Just another note on the non discript entry that all was working fine until I set up the speed factor, If I open the large control press shunt it both small and large show 12mph,  press cruise both show 148mph adjust with slider and both are in sync.  take it down to say 25 mph both still the same.  Now press the stop on the large and large slider drops to bottom and shows zero mph,  small slider increases to about half way up but shows 0 mph.

If I now close the large control small control still showing 0mph but slider is half way up the scale, If I reopen the large control again slider is now half way up the scale but speed still showing 0 mph on both. If I now press the stop on the small window both sliders return to zero......

Strange but true 

So ive just deleted the non discript loco again, reinstlled with no speed factor set up and both controls working in sync whatever you do,  only thing now is that max speed is 127mph so green is all way to the top and cant reach the 148 mph cruise speed,  (not that I could run it on my track at that speed) but it would be nice to have it right...

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I must admit that I am more than a bit disapointed with the scale speed setting within RM, and yes I understand that because of the different characteristics of each loco through wear and tear and friction etc and the difficulties Hornby must go through to set up every loco they make,

Then why oh why is there so much difference in the speeds of each loco.  I have 12 locos in total, All bar 1 are hornby, I have input them all with the correct R number but still, if I set them all on the slider at say 25 mph everyone of them is doing a different speed, ???????? My class 47 goes round at twice the speed of the Mallard which is in turn twice as fast as my class 8, but all showing 25 mph.

Ive even tried a few of them by timing them round and setting up speed factors for them but they still tend to all go round at different speeds,   The only way I have found so far to get them some where close to each other is by resetting the cv's and speed curves of each loco, but what a task that is.

or could it be me am I doing something wrong, but if I'm not has anybody got any easier ways of trying to equalise the speed anything like close,   and double heading !!!!! well we best not even go there lol ????

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