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Adding a Select to an Elite Setup.....


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I have a 4 Amp Elite running my layout with 6 Loco's. I have just got a Select unit which came with a new Loco i bought. Can i plug the Select into the layout to act like a 'walkabout' controller? Does it plug into the Elite or should i connect via the Hornby DCC track feed? will it boost track power?

Lastly, any risks, downsides?

Thanks for your help


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DO NOT connect the Select to the track!  DO NOT connect the Select to the power unit - it will get its power from the Elite via the RJ12 link cable.


You should connect the Select to the Elite with an RJ12 cable (R8266 - https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/catalogsearch/result/?q=Rj12 ). It's explained in the Select user manual.  Different firmware levels on the Elite and select can cause problems.


You can only use 2 digit addresses with the Select while the Elite can use 2 or 4 digit addresses

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The other things to know are the Select is limited as to how high these short loco addresses can be and if you are operating points by DCC then the Select has its own numbering start point.


That said if you have low numbered locos then adding a Select can be a handy extra controller.

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Just in case the previous answers given are not clear enough.


Lowest common denominator rules.......the Select has loco & accessory addressing limitations....by using the Select as a 'Walkabout' you are restricting the flexibility of the Elite to only function within the limited constraints of the Select's capability.


And to re-iterate....you must not connect two DCC controllers to the same track at the same time. Neither must you use the 1 amp power supply with the Select in Walkabout mode. A walkabout Select does not and can not provide any additional power to the track.


Firmware limitations: Subject to the firmware installed on your Elite / Select you may have to change the operation mode of the Elite from Standard mode to Classic mode to make it functional with the Select. See page 67 of the current Elite manual. If because of the installed firmwares you have to operate your Elite in 'Classic' mode, then that will affect your ability to add Railmaster to the mix. The Elite has to be in 'Standard' mode to function correctly with RM.


To provide balance, there are many on here who use Select as a Walkabout and promote its use in that mode. They are happy to operate their layout within the operational restrictions. It is possible to add up to 7 x Selects as Walkabouts to a single Elite. It's in the current Select Manual....see page 20

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Should have added to my last post:


Assuming that you are using Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoders with your Elite. You will probably have your point numbering scheme starting at 1 i.e 1-4 first decoder, 5-8 second decoder and so on. If you do use a Select as a 'Walkabout' you will have to re-address ALL your existing points to number from 61 i.e 61-64 first decoder, 65-68 second decoder and so on. Your loco numbering scheme will be restricted to 01-59, but this may very well be the numbering scheme you are using already for your current six locos.


Note: 60 is a valid address for a R8247 Accessory Decoder, but it is not normally used as it limits all four ports on the R8247 to the same 60 address.

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One other Select Walkabout consideration. Prior to firmware 1.5, the Select could only access functions F0-F8 whereas the Elite can access functions above F8. Not so much of an issue unless you have 'sound locos'. Thus if you have 'sound locos' - Hornby TTS models for example, then the Select 'Walkabout' will need to be at firmware revision 1.5 to access the higher numbered sound Functions.


When the Select is powered up look at the display, three numbers will be displayed sequentially xx followed by 30 followed by 03. The xx is the firmware revision 10 for version 1.0, 11 for version 1.1 etc. You are looking for the first number to be 15 for version 1.5


Not 100% sure (someone else may confirm or not), but I believe that if the Select Walkabout is at firmware revision 1.5, then the Elite must be at revision 1.42 for complete compatibility. The Elite firmware version also displays on the LCD screen during the power on cycle.


The Elite firmware can be upgraded (to 1.42) as a DIY activity at home, all the necessary files and instructions are downloadable from this Hornby website. The Select can only be firmware upgraded at the Hornby Service Centre. Ring Hornby Customer Services to arrange.

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Unsure where this complete compatability came from, but run Walkabout perfectly with elite 1.41, and select below 1.5. Have no problem with  functions, as elite/Rm, will start them up. Hence unless you want to change function from other side of layout,and, why would you, then, not really a problem. RDS, from memory, also runs, 1.41., so no doubt he will agree, or not. john

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Unsure where this complete compatability came from


I specifically said with Select version 1.5.......your 'I have no issues' experience is with Select firmware below 1.5 as you yourself have stated.


You have however made a valid point that I overlooked, that using a Select in Walkabout mode with firmware below 1.5 does not prevent you using Functions above F8 provided you access them via the Elite controller or RM if installed. It is just the Select unit (below FW 1.5) that cannot access them.



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I think its a shame that so many people could well have as many select controllers in there drawers, as Elink controllers. , unaware, that for the small cost of a cable, they could lead a completely new life, as a walkabout. This very useful feature, needs a lot more publicity. john

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Gosh, thanks.    On another matter, I am now using a Morley Vector controller for my DC  ONLY

, round the room, lines. This comes complete with 2 Walkabout controllers, which i have also bought extentions, of 3 metres. So can now operate all DC/DCC, in Walkabout mode. Its a beautiful bit of kit. Dont know how i managed all these years without. Had not heard of firm, till Flashbang mentionned them. Sorry for tad of off subject, but tis about Walkabouts. john

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Just another point of clarification - plugging a Select into an Elite doesn't restrict the Elite's ability to operate locos with addresses above 59 or points numbered 1-60 or 101 and above.  It's only the Select so limited.  So if you wish, you can have some locos and points only the Elite can operate and some that can also be operated by the Select.


PS.  I still choose to keep my Select in the bottom drawer.  If I want a walkabout controller, I have 2, the first my iPad and the second my iPhone. 

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For those who dont have the finances to afford an Ipad, or Iphone, in which, i count myself, a s/hand £30 select, is way to go. You can buy an awful lot of locos,  for the price of these 2 luxury items. I would be happy to take your  Surplus select off your hands for a nominal sum, Fishy

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 I have a select in the Drawer together with the necessary cable and intend to use it near colliery branch when  I'm shunting once I've fully wired it and nailed the track down. The regular locos will be GWR 5, 6, 12 and 13 so the limited number range is not a problem, but getting your head around the way the control knob works when your use to the Elite is another matter!


However this is more of an operator fault!

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