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DCC & DC layout

Old Bob

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I purchased a DCC layout having several DCC Hornby stock .The point are motorised.

If I diconnect the DCC plug (tempory)and attempted to fix a DC Hornby R 602 power connectimg clip to the track .could I run my Anologue  locos ? Any advice would help as I am no modeller.


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I assume your points are Analogue operated  not DCC? Then...  So long as you remove all the DCC power connections going to the DCC console then you can use either the digital power clip or the DC power clip if wished fed from the DC controller.

To Note... NEVER allow DC and DCC to mix on the layout. Serious and possibly terminal damage will be done to one or both systems!

Do not use the DC power clip with DCC though, as it has an internal capacitor which will seriously effect DCC running if the capacitor is not removed!

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I assume your points are Analogue operated  not DCC? Then...  So long as you remove all the DCC power connections going to the DCC console then you can use either the digital power clip or the DC power clip if wished fed from the DC controller.

To Note... NEVER allow DC and DCC to mix on the layout. Serious and possibly terminal damage will be done to one or both systems!

Do not use the DC power clip with DCC though, as it has an internal capacitor which will seriously effect DCC running if the capacitor is not removed!

Thanks for all the info  I will take great care now Might be better to get a DC only layout .

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RLC, hi, thats what i have, Actually, a large DCC layout, and a smaller , Just, DCC one. If you go that way, you could make your points run happily from DCC, with appropriate accessory, and use your present motorised ones on your DC layout, if that makes sense. Forum, is very DCC Driven as most members only appear to run DCC, but a few very knowledgeable guys still run DC, so you will happily be able to get full advice on both methods.  Forum is again split on points, as many run with DCC point decoders, while others swear by your motorised system. john

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I run mainly DCC but I have 2 totally isolated tracks which I can put whichever source I want into to power them. I run the signals and points via Railmaster and take the power to them from the DCC tracks.

As long as the tracks are totally isolated from each other(including points!!) then you can integrate both systems into your layout.

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