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Ram, the drawing below gives one suggestion (an overview) of how the components all fit together. It is just a guide, other's here may have other options or preferential suggestions. Treat it as a starting point of research on your journey. You are definitely making the right decision to research before putting your hand in your pocket. This is a Hornby forum, thus we are obliged to promote Hornby products. Other brands of Accessory Decoders are available as well as different types and brands of point motors, all compatible with Hornby eLink. Please do research these too, before making a commitment. Personally, the the surface mounted point motors are OK, but my preference would be for motors hidden under the baseboard.




With regard to point motor operation. Each port of the R8247(s) is given a unique DCC Address defined by you as part of the setting up and software configuration process. You create a track plan in RailMaster (on the PC) where you place point icons. When you click the on-screen point icon, a digital command is sent via the USB lead to the eLink. The eLink in turn tells the R8247 that has the DCC point address associated with the on-screen point icon clicked to operate the point. The point is then operated using DC pulses of current via the Red, Black & Green wires between the R8247 and the R8243.


Click this link for the instructions to fit a R8243 point motor. These Hornby instructions have not been updated for some time and make no reference to using them with the R8247. Hence my drawing. Refer to the instructions just from the physical mounting of the R8243 point of view. Note: Do not over tighten the two fixing screws, these need to be just firm enough to hold the motor in place, but loose enough to allow some minimal movement else the internal motor solenoid soft metal slug may stick.


With regard to wires. The R8243 motors come with some wire factory terminated (Red Black & Green). Where the attached wires are too short. They will need to be extended. You can (one option) use standard white Nylon screw down terminal strips cut to size that are available from any Electrical supplies retailer. If your soldering skills permit, you could solder on extension wires and sleeve with heat shrink tubing. Do not skimp on the wires, the R8243 will draw several amps of current when being operated. I would recommend as a minimum 24/0.2mm wire. This is readily available in a range of colours from Electrical component retailers. The 24/0.2mm means 24 individual strands of wire of 0.2mm diameter contained within an insulating sheath (typically PVC).


Admin edit: Held for profanity due to a missing letter in the word 'Hornby'.

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I have provided a detailed response with drawings. It is being held back for moderation (profanity police for some unexplained reason). I expect it to appear once checked by admin later.

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Note to self....must remember to switch on spell checker. 😆


Hang on....would a mis-spelt Hornby pass a spell check? Not going to try, to find out. 🤔


Small additional comment to my belated post above:


The official Hornby method of connecting the R8247 to the Track A&B output of the eLink is to connect the R8247 to the layout track via additional individual R8242 Power Clips. My purchased R8247's came with a R8242 Power Clip and a short wire pair in the box. In my opinion, the connectivity method I have shown in the drawing for the R8247(s) provides better overall long term reliability.



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One more additional edit to my first post.


Note: when programming and configuring the Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoders. They must be disconnected from the eLink main Track A&B output and connected (one at a time) to the loco Programming Track A&B output of the elink. Once the R8247 has been configured, it needs to be reconnected to the main Track A&B output of the eLink to be fully tested on all four ports and/or used.


Many other (non Hornby) brands of Accessory Decoder are what are termed 'Self learning' decoders. For some, these can be easier to set up than the R8247 as they can be programmed whilst still connected to the Track A&B output of the eLink and don't need to be re-wired each time you want to make a configuration change.


Roger....I use PowerPoint for my drawings.

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