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Loco lists

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Could you post a screen capture showing the loco list on the RHS, there may be something about how the locos are numbered or named that have a bearing on listed order. Something may be obvious, if we can see it.

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Just had a thought. Could they be listed in the order in which you added the loco to RailMaster.


I have 7 locos for reasons I won't bore anybody with I have them numbered 0101, 0102, 0103.......0107


In my case they all show listed on the RHS in that same numerical order. However that also happens to be the same order that I installed them into RM. In my RM system, they are definitely not listed alphabetically based on loco name or R stock number. Only two of the five are Hornby anyway, so R number or name cannot be the basis of list order.

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Only "two of the five" should read "only two of the seven" the post EDIT button still missing, so couldn't amend the original text.

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The order they are listed, is nothing to do with the order you entered them or how the Loco's are numbered.

You decide the order from the 'Set up Locomotives' icon. (2nd one from the left at the top of the screen)

Click on that icon and it lists out all your Loco's.  Click on the Loco that you want to move and at the bottom of the window are up and down arrows, which when clicked will move the selected Loco in the direction you have chosen.  Then click on the tick in the bottom right corner to save your newly sorted list.

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I've just come back into the forum to post the same answer as RDS. Fired up my RM laptop to see what could be done about setting order. Although in my case, they are all listed in the order I entered them. I found the two arrows (one up & one down) in the 'loco setting screen' and found I could use the arrows to reorder the list.

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Yes., for reasons only I could think of, they are in order of how I entered them on RM. I looked in the drop down menu to try and re order them using the arrows but it didnt happen. It just highlighted the loco in blue and that was it. I'll try again later.

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Before using the up and down arrows. Select the loco in the list you want to move.




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Forgot to add in the absence of a working EDIT button.


To 'Select' the loco (step 1) use the mouse pointer to click on the loco entry. I found clicking the loco name worked best (where my white arrow is pointing at).

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