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Upgrade to Pro

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You may find that having input your PRO code it does not appear to have been accepted.

Just close RM and restart, then you should see the PRO splash screen at startup and both codes will appear in the screen FIshy spoke of.

How to upgrade to Pro is in the manual which most people never bother to read properly.

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I too am fairly certain that is the RM window where you enter the ProPack code. It does seem to be rather poorly thought out to put it on the 'Loco Detection' page.

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That's really weird because I looked at the Setup tabs in the manual when I first went looking for the answer, some little memory in the back of the brain thought it was somewhere there.  But when you look at the Loco Detection tab on page 26 of the manual, it's not there.


Maybe it's only triggered when you buy the Pro licence in the Help window?

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The graphic in the manual on page 26, obviously hasn't been updated with the later version of RM. I have just fired up my NON ProPack (standard) version of RM, and sure enough on the 'Loco Detection' tab there is a ProPack key entry box. In fact the presentation on my RM screen is different in other ways too, compared to that reproduced in the manual for the 'Loco Detection' tab.

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I had a similar thought after I had already clicked the save button on my original post. Had the EDIT button been working I would have added a similar comment to it at the time of posting. It is the only logical assumption to make.

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