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Hi, just wondered if anyone knew why some of my turnouts on operating plan in Railmaster do not show grey line indicating direction of turnout ,the turnout does switch but no grey line? other turnouts do show direction.

I have tried deleting turnout on track plan and reinstating but still same problem.

Any help would be most apprciated


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Hi David, when you place the point icons (red & green buttons) they need to "snap" to the grid crosshair nearest the point in question and not get too close to any other pair of point icons. Usually though, if there is a proximity conflict you will get a warning from the software. R-

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As Roger has stated it is very important when placing point operating icons (the red and green dots) onto the track plan that they are allowed to SNAP into the correct location on the point. Trying to place them manually by mouse can cause operational issues.


The most effective way of placing the point operating icons that I have found is to use the mouse pointer to drag the 'Red' point operating icon to the CENTRE of the point icon (well away from their 'snap to' position). Hold the mouse cursor in the centre of the point icon then release the mouse button. You should then find that not only will the Red point operating icon 'Snap' to the correct position at the toe end of the point icon, it will also be joined by its sister 'Green' icon. Trying to place the Red & Green icons individually doesn't work.


Also as Roger stated, you can't position two points back to back. Else the point operation icons for both points will try and occupy the same grid position. It is best to have at least one other non point track piece between points when trying to place them 'back to back'.


The following text is pasted from page 86 of the RM manual, and basically confirms the comments above.


"When you place point control buttons on to your plan by dragging them into the centre of the desired point, you will notice that they snap to positions either side of the point. Green always controls the right-hand turnout and red the left-hand one. Do not try to force the point control buttons into a different position otherwise the point route indicators on the main RailMaster window will not work correctly."


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One other issue to be aware of David is when releasing the mouse button you may find that the point symbol you are attempting to place "disappears" - especially if there is another point already set-up close by. It is probably still on the plan and will in all likelihood be sitting over the top of the neighbouring icons. To check just left click and hold on one of the nearby set and drag to another grid intersection. R-

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