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Pro pack points on start up.

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In Pro-Pack an extra option is added to the point configuration box located in your track plan that was not present in the RM 'Standard' edition. The extra option specifies the start up point firing order. If the order is not specified, then the feature doesn't work.


To rectify the problem.


  1. Open your track plan in 'EDIT' mode.
  2. Right click each point to open the configuration box.
  3. Specify the firing order sequentially starting with 1 i.e 1, 2, 3, 4, etc
  4. Save the modified plan
  5. Close and re-start RM


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Addition to above: EDIT button still not working yet.


The red circle shows where you type in the point firing order number in ProPack.




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This is just purely an example of using the powerful PDF search facilities built into Acrobat Reader.


  • Open the RM manual in Acrobat Reader.
  • Press 'Control (Ctrl)' and F keys at the same time, the search (Find)  box opens.
  • Type Start Up into the search box and click 'Next'.
  • Each subsequent click of the 'Next' button jumps through each instance of the text string "Start Up" found in the PDF document in page found order, of which there are quite a few. Eventually the search will land on the Page 91 entries.


Can't speak for others, but this is how I find appropriate page numbers to quote in replying to user queries. As I haven't got the PDF manual committed totally to memory........well not yet anyway. 😀

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... this is how I find appropriate page numbers to quote in replying to user queries ...


That's how I did it and have been using that method ever since I had occasion to criticise the RM manual index, probably years ago, knowing how time flies.

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No point putting CHRIS in HCC, he'll clear the 2 month email backlog on the first day, including putting in explanatory diagrams to illustrate his answers, then he'll have nothing to do but drink tea.  He won't last the week.


PS.  Apologies to HCC Adam, but you know it's true.

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Thank you for the vote of confidence.....many other's here do the same, RAF, HB, RogerB, Fishy, WTD, LC, AC, Eric, RDS, John, Ray (St1n...) to name but a few. Apologies to anybody accidently not mentioned in my list who also contribute a lot of answers to the questions raised on this forum. 😳

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I know I can sometimes test the patience of some who I'm sure just think " just read the damn manual", but not going too deeply into it, I have a bit of difficulty taking in information and find the pdf thing much harder than a book to digest. I know I have seen or read something but can never flipping find it withlut spending hours searching, so I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped me.

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No problem with answering your questions SB, even if the answers might be in the manual.  The thing is you read our replies and act on them. Sometimes, you can tell that despite what you say and even repeat, the poster can't manage to follow, or even ignores it and guess what, the final resolution is what he was told.  Initial RM setups is the specialty for these, hasn't been one for a while though.


Just on your Elite printed manual, you realise the chances are it is to an out of date firmware level and some of your Elite functioning may actually be different to what it says?

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