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Problem with changing lights with points

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Hi Guys,

I have a point set up which changes the colour of the lights depending on the point direction, The problem I have is that when I press the button to move the point to the left it all works fine, lights change as they should. when I the change back to the right the lights work as they should but the point does not move, I have to keep pressing the button several times for it to move.  I have removed the lights from the point and it only needs one click to move points either way, so I know that works as it should.  

Any suggestion welcome.


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Hi pete, I'm assuming you have set this up by linking the signal to the point in RM Pro.  If so, I don't think this will be a problem we can help with, unless someone else has had and solved the exact same thing, you will need to contact HRMS.


You should do this from the Help screen email facility in RM.  First start by opening RM, go through that switching process you described in your post, then email what you said above to them.  The reason for doing it this way is that a log.txt file gets sent to HRMS with your email and they can see in that file exactly what you did and what did and didn't work.  That gives them the clues to helping you solve the problem, or fix a bug in RM if that were the case.

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Just to add to what Ray & Fishy said. I think for us to advise we would need to know a bit more on how exactly you have it configured. Some screen shots of the point and signal configuration boxes showing the settings used would help a lot.

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Hi Guys,

A bit more info I am using Colbolt IP digital point motors and I use Traintech Digital lights of Red and Green.

My set up on the point is red to move point to left, green to move to right, the light set up is 

Red signal 60 Green

Green signal 60 Red

Green signal 65 Green

Red signal 65 Red

I know the lights are set as they should and work fine, just the point not changing on first click of the green button, the lights changes, I have to click several times for the point to move.


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It seems to me that there may be some form of power problem in that maybe the point just requires that little bit more power (volts?) to change to the Right, than to change Left and the addition of light is just tipping it over the edge.


I would try, in the following order:

1) A different point.

2) A different Decoder port.

3) If your decoder allows for a separate Power Supply, try a different one.


I cannot imagine that it is a RM problem.

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