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Accessing cv's higher then 255

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Can somebody please tell me how to access cv's higher then 255 please 

I have requested a read from 1-300 but every time it stops at 255

i have a zoom sound decoder where the volume cv is 266 

land change from diesel to electric is 265 ( I think) 

but cannot access them

set up is railmaster not pro updated to latest edition


win 7 ( if that makes a difference)

thank you


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The Zimo decoder provides a method to access CVs above 255 using a controller limited to 255. It is in the Zimo datasheet. It was documented in this previous thread with a topic title "Zimo CV 266".




No disrespect to Fishy, but as you say he will tell you it has been covered before, but rarely provides a clickable link to the content in question. Unlike me....  😎

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Not that you are point scoring, Chris.  David , i have several Dapol, Bachmann, 5 other american brands,, all that have no problem either with Rm, or Elite. The grass may not be any greener. Better the devil you know, and  you wont get anything like the level of support. Just my view , mind. john

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The Zimo decoder provides a method to access CVs above 255 using a controller limited to 255. It is in the Zimo datasheet. It was documented in this previous thread with a topic title "Zimo CV 266".




No disrespect to Fishy, but as you say he will tell you it has been covered before, but rarely provides a clickable link to the content in question. Unlike me....  😎

Chris, if doorbell goes,it'll be HornbyC.C. head hunting again,

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Apologies for being clickable linkless most of the time, not the easiest to do from the Ipad with which I most often access the forum.  So I usually give topic titles and places.  And while the search function isn't the best, you can still find a lot.


Another thing I remember is that this capability has been in Desirable features for some time, so hopefully HRMS will get around to addressing it soon.

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Ditto Fishy's comments as when I posted it was from the iPad, but I just vaguely searched forum content now for 'cvs above 255' and got many hits including some on this post.


I am a bit bemuzed that David is ditching Hornby as a failure because of problems he is having with Zimo decoders and some unnamed Dapol kit...all manufacturers will ensure their kit all works together and if possible by way of common standards to make it work with other peoples kit, but they will not actively encourage such alien kit. Just look at Johns recent post about cleaning fluid for his Dapol cleaner, where they dont recommend IPA but do strongly recommend their own fluid probably at 10 times the cost.


Rant over...back to work trying to upgrade an old laptop with Raid-1 from XP to Win 7 And getting nowhere.

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 The unnamed bit of Dapol  kit was two class 22's with 5 bachmann decoders and railmaster and elink

i did put a thread on here about them with no satisfactory outcome I email railmaster through the railmaster software with  NO Reply  luckily I was able to n the decoders to the supplier who reimbursed me not many would of done 

I think the threads posted in the railmaster forum are testament to a very good reason to ditch railmaster even  after taking out threads that are easily resolved


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I am no expert on technical matters, I just turn the key and hope it all works, but I have picked up the many suggestions that Railmaster is written in an old code type (that's probably the wrong terminology) that is perhaps starting to show its age. I wouldn't know about that. What is apparent is that any development investment in RM since Hornby's Annus horribilis has slowed (perhaps to a dead halt) as borne out by the decrease in updates and non-arrival of LD.


But, what I, and I suspect many others, got when we bought it - we still have. I would suggest that the frustration being expressed by some Members is due to our "growing" within the hobby and wanting more out of our piece of software so feeling let down by the lack of development rather than lack of prime functionality. After all, none of it is cheap - but perhaps some of us did not research the options well enough when we made our purchase decision. I include myself in this group.


I have two control systems. One for when I want to have a "grown up" running session - and another for when I don't want to think about too much. I won't give the names of either. That said RM is perfectly adequate for what I want and having invested heavily both financially and emotionally in both I don't intend to ditch either and I am content to see my model trains as an expensive hobby.


I'll get my coat.



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David, you are of course entitled to your views, but do not think the majority on here, would agree. i am very happy with Railmaster. john

John don't get me wrong here 

The potential of railmaster is immense but it's not backed up by hornby. There are issues people have that should of been resolved a long time ago. Although well explained and documented altering ini. files are not what some people are confident with doing as an example. Maybe my words are Bourne more of frustration then critisism from a product that should pretty much work from the off but doesn't in various forms. Hornby has been to me synonymous with children playing with a train set at Christmas not spending days trying to sort problems out waiting for replies from help desks trying things that may work only to be disappointed when they don't i

 know some problems are easily remedied but some are not 

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David, i have had my probs with RM, also, but from what i read, no other maker of DCC systems, has the support offered by Hornby. Trouble when you go off piste, to a new system, is you are therefore dependant on others, who have these systems, and from what i read on other forums, the off the peg starter kits, only control a couple of locos . We on here, have been spoilt, by having several well versed experts, to turn to, as i frequently have, to help me out of a hole, usually of my own making.. Both you and Roger are correct that by now, more progress should have been made, and frustrations do creep in. I f i suggested ditching my present system, on the off chance of an improvement, and trying to find new people to pester, my lady wife, would  take drastic action, like probably asking for the return of the Table Tennis table. Before i bought my Elite, i looked seriously at Lenz, but since that arrived, i have never looked back. We continue to hope for more developments, albeit, forlornly. john

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Slightly off topic here, but original topic pretty much exhausted anyway.


John, how are the bionic finger inserts working out for you? Your keyboard typing seems much improved.

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Chris hi, do you mean cos i am now typing more than one liners ?. Joking apart, the transition is amazing, and results above my wildest hopes. I have no pain at all, in either thumb, and full dexterity, as well. Health care in france, is second to none, and each part of your body, seems to have a  specialist clinic, on tap. I was given 2 locations, both 150 miles away, in opposite directions, both highly  recommended. Went for final xray last week, and all fine. Thanks for asking. john

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Railmaster does a great deal that I like. I like the look of the track plan. I like the loco controls. I like the handheld control available. But I would like to see it able to read all  loco CVs through to the 700s. The ability see read accessory decoder CVs would also be good. That said I would not stop using Railmaster!

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