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R8247 and elink frustration !!!

Oz train

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Hello Again

I am really fed up with the annoying elink and R8247.

This is what has happened, I finally got Decoder R8247 to work after many wIrings to cv8 rebooting elink , re setting elink etc etc. The train and points were working fine.

I was in design mode and somehow ticked the box that says " reverse polarity" on the points motor settings, in port 3. then none of the points worked, no matter what I do I cannot get them to work again, reset everything done all I can I believe,,,, even a war dance !! I think this Hornby stuff is very tempramental. Or is it me, I am about to give up---  and yes I have used the small reset button inside the all stop and reset everything I can think of. If anyone can advice how to fix this they are a genius.  

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Have you tried looking at these old forum posts?

Lots of posts dating back over 2 years and maybe one of them has the answer to your problem.


The vast majority of problems with elink and R8247 are operator error. I think just about every member of the forum could relate to that.

I'd suggest going back to the manual and starting from scratch rather than look at fixes to what you have already done.

Just hang in there, I'm sure that you won't be disappointed.

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First off, if you are sure all you changed is port 3 by reversing it  and re-reversing it didnt work, then why not just delete that point and replant it.


if that doesnt sort it then you did something else as well And untill we get to the bottom of that no one can help you.


you must also be aware that the elink is just a dumb plastic box with a light on, which passes along instructions from RM after converting them into something the track users can understand, so if you are sending waffle from RM your track will see dcc waffle.

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Another possibility is the acc decoder could be playing up and if you want to you can reset it by writing value 8 to CV8 just like a loco decoder, just connect it to the eLink PROG as normal. Same goes for reading and writing its other CVs via RM.


The RM menu driven programming area just makes it simpler for normal set up programming.

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