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General Newbie Help

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Ok I've got the Western Express set.  My only previous experence with DCC has been a Bachman ez controller which fried.  

I was just wondering what online resources there are for e-link/railmaster.  (Aside from here).  Any step by step guides out there or you tube channels anyone recommends?  Particularly loco programming, i find the manual a little indigestiable on this topic.



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On YouTube search out the Brian Hughes channel. He has done a whole series of RailMaster eLink videos on different aspects of its operation. They are not brilliant in terms of presentation, lots of camera shake etc. But I haven't as yet found anything better from the other YouTubers. Some of the other's are dreadful for presentation AND content.


Tara's posted list link above shows some of the Brian Hughes content AND some of the rubbish ones as well.


The big issue is that most of these videos are quite old and feature versions of RM that are long gone to be replaced by later versions. Your best bet is to work systemtically through the manual asking questions of clarification here when you feel the need. I find that you have to do it to learn it. The videos rarely cover the exact same scenario that you want information on.

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