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Coach lights


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Just avoid the ones advertised as Waterproof. They are encased in a clear rubber type compound and thus impracticable to use for this type of project.

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Warm white for bulb style lighting.  White for fluorescent lighting in modern stock I have found to work reasonably well.

Don't forget for DCC use the strip will need to be either decoder function output fed or direct from the rails/wheels via a bridge rectifier and an electrolytic capacitor on the DC side of the bridge rectifier to help stop flicker. Note the capacitor must be connected to the rectifier the correct way around.  Additionally add a 470R resistor in series with one of the two pick up wires leading the AC input side of the bridge rectifier. 

You will also have to arrange some form of wheel wiper pick up arrangement.


Basic idea is shown here... Scroll down to DCC Lighting item near the bottom of the page http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/DCC%202.html

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