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Unable to get Elite to connect to Railmaster

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The faulty,USB  is one of the standard go tos. If it was fine with Elink, i am not convinced it has suddenly become faulty. Most machines have more than one. If you support that theory, try another usb port. Me, i would  shut down again, and follow the start up sequence i suggested. If its right the RM throttles follow the Elite. If they dont, its wrong. Thats my fall back. . john

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HRMS, will sort it, if they are going to log in to your machine. The problem is, they dont tell you exactly when they are going to, which is quite understandable, given, how busy they are. The last time they helped me, i waited, popped down for cuppa, and missed them. Twas all sorted, when i returned , as they are brilliant at it, but i like to watch what they do, to pick up any tips. john

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 Thanks John and Chris

HRMS have logged in and set compatibility mode for the program and checked my settings. I have restarted several times and used Johns suggestion to turn the dial on the control to see it replicated in Railmaster.  (Good idea John)

Lets see what happens.........

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Can I suggest putting Check controller back to =0 (if only for a temporary testing period).

I'm not convinced that the 5 second polling introduced by having that setting =1 doesn't affect Elite communications as HRMS say. During the period the Elite is being polled, you do get that green program box flashing which indicates that RM is processing some form of program script. On mine, I do not get that Green box flashing with Check controller=0


HRMS originally introduced the Check controller .INI entry to resolve communications problems with the eLink controller on Windows 10

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Well if Alternative comms=1 and Check controller=0 then I have probably exhausted my possible suggestions to offer. The last glitch you had will hopefully will be just a one off. For the record. My Laptop is an ACER running Windows 10 Anniversary Edition version 1611 (installed as part of the free upgrade program from Windows 8.1). Rm is the very latest 1.64 revision 1 downloaded from the top of the forum RM section. My .INI file entries are as per my earlier suggestions.


My experience (touch wood) is that just very occasionally I have to make a second attempt to make an initial connection to the Elite during startup (sometimes I find my com port in Device Manager has been reallocated, not often but sometimes non the less). But once RM is up and running and established a communication connection with my Elite (version 1.42 by the way......what's yours?....see LCD screen during power up) then it is rock solid stable without dropping.


EDIT: "The last glitch you had will hopefully will be just a one off." written and posted before I saw your follow up replies.


Power down everything including the PC and reboot everything up from scratch and try again.


If still having problems get HRMS to log in again.....

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BSB, It would be very unusual to have a faulty Elite. You can test that by running locos from it, with RM etc, turned off. I often let village kids use this way. As to change in INI file, HRMS, will have done that. Test Elite, that will take that out of equasion, then  turn everything off.. Re start as  we have suggested. what happens. john

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 My Elite will work from the rotary controls but not from the PC.

The Elite version is 1.42 it used to come up in classic mode as default but I was told to change that to standard by Railmaster.

It will not connect at all now, so it looks like I will have to send the controller back, the supplier does not have any stock to offer a replacement. I could send it to Hornby but do not feel I want a new product repairing should it be faulty.

It is strange that my elink works without issues, well it did when I last tried it. That rules out Windows 10 and my PC because I am sure the elink would hang if there was a fault with the pc.

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Just remember if you do go back to using the eLink, change that Check controller=0 setting back to =1 as well as the pull down box controller settings in 'System Settings' back to eLink and the correct Baud rate.

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BSB, sorry, dont agree  , i think Elite is fine. Would be very surprised if it was not. I have 2, both bought second hand and they are perfect. Did you turn everything off. If so, to humour me , unplug usb lead from Elite, and laptop, turn Elite on, replace usb, turn on computer. wait, wait, then click RM, and report back. john

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 Hi John

Followed your instructions it did connect then the green communication light started to flash and it hung up.

You are probably right that the elite is not faulty, but I do not think it is the PC because the elink works without fault.

I have also swapped the USB lead and the 4 amp psu I have with my elink just to rule them out.

RM think it may be a fault with the usb port on the dcc controller, so they must mean the elite?

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Dell's have been mentioned before, but usually with eLink issues, not Elite ones. Clutching at straws here, but could you not check Dell's online support pages to see if there is un updated more recent BIOS for it.


EDIT: Just seen last reply. What happens if you jiggle the USB lead in the Elite USB port, does that generate any changes like for example the port becoming intermittently visible in Device Manager.


AC the forum resident PC hardware man, quite often says he has to repair poorly connected USB sockets on motherboards. Poor connection soldering mostly. Pins on the Elite USB port might be intermittent.

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BSB, no, HRMS, dont mean on the Elite, It is one of their standard suggestions for one or two makes of computer. The fact it worked ok, after they fiddled, proves its not the Elite in any way, in my view. How many usb sockets have you got on your laptop.   Chris, we could do with imput from Augustus here, on  Dell and Bios. john   PS, your probs are the opposite to mine. I had ELINK probs which Elite sorted.

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