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Unable to get Elite to connect to Railmaster

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Well, they Could not have done that if there was a usb problem with Elite, the set up would not have worked, surely.  What do you mean by  compatability mode.  Its  soul destroying all this, for you and us, as i thought Chris in his usual Prof mode, had sorted it. john

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John, 'Compatibility Mode' is part of Windows and nothing to do with RM as such. You can right click the "railmaster.exe" file in Windows and adjust 'Compatibility Mode' settings to make any "application.exe" file more compatible with later versions of Windows. The compatibility feature is available to all Windows applications, not just RM. It is not normal to expect to have to adjust these settings for RM. I suspect that HRMS modified these settings as a 'belt n braces' approach to try and overcome BSB's problem.


EDIT: BSB got back in whilst I was typing.


PS - BSB, you've just answered a question that has been niggling me for ages. How do HRMS communicate to the user whilst they are logged in. Ahhh they use notepad.....

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 Hi John/Chris

Notepad is not the best way to communicate, I would rather talk to them by phone but sadly you cannot.

They told me not to alter the compatibility mode once they had set it.

From here I see the problem as a timing issue between the PC and the Elite and if one does not respond the connection is lost. I could order another elite from a supplier that has stock but if that did not work I would have no option but to keep it and use for manual control only.

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BSB, i have never heard of a timing issue, maybe Chris has. If twas me, i would go back to HRMS, in whom i have great confidence. You were lucky you could use notepad. They used to do that with me, but not on last occasion. Did not matter, as they sorted it..  Ask them to log in again, and test the usb connection, while you run a loco. If that works, cant be the Elite. Chris is far more up on the workings of RM, than most of us.  john

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As John says if you can use the Elite on its own then the basic controller is OK, if you can see it in Device Manager  then the USB side of things is talking to the PC, and you can check the driver it is using from DM, besides those printer type USB sockets are much more robust than the flat sort. Can you download a free USB sniffer which will tell what your connection is doing. I have one on the train PC which is offline at present so cant say what it is.


So that just leaves RM not liking your version of Windows 10 on that make and model of PC/laptop, which seems likely if it works now that HRMS has set it into Win7 compatability mode.


Do you have another PC you can load the RM demo onto and connect to your Elite, as that would prove such things as your cables, the Elite and your internet connections. IF that works then its back to the configuration of your train PC Being picky.


RM runs fine with the Elite and eLink without compatability problems on Win10 on my Greek market HP PC, a make that I know can play up with various applications. Other people are running with Win10  so it all points back to a particular machine.

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It's not the first time if I recall that Dell has been mentioned (and not for positive reasons) in these threads.


But there again, ACER has been negatively mentioned too. Yet my ACER RM laptop has no issues that I can find with it.


Some Lenovos don't seem to fair any better either. The Laptop brand to choose for RM seems to be a bit of a lottery.

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2 things bother me. When HRMS, used to log in mine , they always wanted me to test it, prior to signing off, which would discount faulty Elite. I understand that he could not log off and back on again, without losing them. The second thing, is this setting it up to windows 7 compatability. Is that not a cop out. Finally , CHRIS, you are right, dell machines have been a thorn for some time. .  ROB, never heard of usb sniffer, is it house trained. john

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 I am happy with the Dells I own, I do a lot of Radio Communications and use serial to usb converters and never had any problems. The Elink works fine on both the Dells and the last problem I had connecting the Elink to the Dell, the Dell got a lot of stick and it the end it was a faulty Elink. It is very easy to blame the PC but when everything else that has been connected works it is less likely to be the problem.


It could be the Hornby Elite, Windows10, Railmaster or to me and less likely the Dell. Windows 10, Railmaster Software and the Dell work with the Elink so it is more likely to be the Elite that has a problem.

My PC is 64 bit and the elink operates at 115200 where as the Elite is 19200 and it takes it much longer to respond to the railmaster software. I noticed it took much longer to program CV's on the Elite compared to the Elink. Maybe the Elite is a bit too slow and times out?

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In that case BSB I would recommend talking to Marc Hodge at HCC via the phone number at the bottom of all pages.


If he takes it back then I am sure Hornby have a standard serviceability test routine they can put their kit through which will prove it one way or the other.


I would especially mention that it seems to be a USB comms problem in the opinion of HRMS, so there is no doubt what they should concentrate on.

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Curious about time scale, as i have both, and Elite is in my view by far the quickest to come up. If you have a faulty Elite, twill be the first ive heard of, but there always has to be a precedent. I still dont understand the bit about windows 7, except to say, that i only have windows 7, which works a treat. May be  thats why they went as they did. My views on windows 10, are well documented. john

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I have three Elites, two of which have no practical  PROG output (i.e. they will not program a decoder in the usual fashion either direct or via RM), but both 'duffies' will Program On the Main (PoM). The remaining good 'un is packed in cotton wool every night.


I have tried in vain, in conjunction with HCC, to investigate why this should be including using resistors across the output terminals and other wizard techie tips and tricks to no avail.


I have also had one 4 Amp supply fail so I must be the most duff Hornby controller user on record..


For the record the duff Elites passed the Hornby standard serviceability test, hence the head scratching.

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I did not really want to know that  😉

I did manage to program a decoder yesterday but it was very slow compared to the elink


Chrissaf did manage to move things further but after a reboot the problem returned with lock ups rather than not connecting at all. 

It worked when Railmaster logged in but after a reboot it failed again, I did let them know but as yet no response. 

I have ordered another Elite from a large Liverpool seller who strongly advised against it but I want a controller that provides Rotary controls not a handheld remote. 

Lets see what tomorrow brings. Not more frustration I hope!

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Oh, I see.  I hope you are successful with the replacement and I totally support your view of wanting Rotary Controls.  I must say though, that I will be surprised if the replacement Elite performs any differently and I anticipate it is more likely an interface problem.  Time will tell - Good Luck.

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 Well if it does not work at least the seller is prepared to take it back in the first six months if it gives problems. I expect thats why they have been going for so many years.

It is a shame Hornby do not take a more active support role in the forum, rather than see their customers struggle with these issues. Many members have said they do not respond to emails and in the back of the Elite manual it says email us if you have problems. Why bother to have an email address if you do not respond to emails?

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In defence of HRMS, they have always replied to my emails, its just they are dealt with i imagine in order of receipt, and they have never failed to come up with a solution. Turning to Customer Services, If you telephone them, the response is excellent.  Emailing, is certainly slower, but it is a small team, and i would hate to deal with the level of emails received, many, judging by some comments on the forum, being very trivial in their nature, but time consuming. Certainly, you could boost up the size of the dept, and increase all  models to pay for it, but i for one, am happy to wait a day or two, getting round the problem, by picking up the phone, if urgent. I think people in general, are  becoming a tad impatient. How would it be if we scrapped emails, and returned to the written letter. That would improve our patience. john

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BSB, hi, yes i understood that. It was the impatient nature of people in general today, i was trying to bring to attention. We all, and i include myself, are very quick to fire off emails, at the slightest  of reasons. I doubt whether many other model rail companies, give the level of support that we  receive from Hornby, and took the opportunity to give credit where i felt it applied. john

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 To update the thread, the second Hornby Elite arrived this morning from Hattons. Sadly upon opening it was clearly not a new item, was very grubby and covered in scratches so I have no option but to return it which I have just done. The dealer I purchased from is not expecting any new Elites so my order will be cancelled on receipt of the return..

I will return my system to the Elink which I know works and await the refunds on the two Elites I paid for.

Thanks to Chrissaf for his assistance.

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