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Will I blow the bulb on my Dock Shunter.


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Just bought a Hornby Dock Shunter (Circa 1977 judging by the box - white line drawing on black inlay card) and I would like to give it a tst run before fitting a chip.


I apprecate that prolonged expsure to the DCC will burn out the motor but I only test run for a few seconds so that will probably not be an issue. However,  will the bulb blow as soon as the power is switched on?

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Reframing your question a little - will a 12V DC bulb blow on 15V AC?  Answer - most unlikely. 


More importantly, will a DC motor blow when subjected to a DCC signal for a short period?  Probably not but one day yes it could.  Get a cheap DC controller to test locos before DCC fitting and avoid all instances of tears before bedtime.

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