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Point derailment


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I have Hornby tracks and points controlled by Cobalt Digital iP motors. Recently bought Mallard loco with TTS . It keeps derailing at certain points Other locos pass with out any problem.I have similar problem with Gadwall which looks similar to Mallard.

The points are level ,checked with spirit level

Any suggestions will be appreciated



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It is an unfortunate fact that some Hornby track plans have less than ideal combinations of track included in them.  This includes the use of smaller radius curves versus larger radius and standard versus express points.  Larger locos can have problems on both of these, especially where one piece is mounted directly against the other with no straight sections in between. In this regard, layout 10/13 has any number of places where points are adjacent to second radius curves and I'm betting these will be the ones where you are having problems.


In these cases, your only solution will be to ensure that the points are laid dead flat and have all parts of the points level without plastic frogscprotruding upwards, the back to back measurements on your front bogies are spot on, that they have good loading onto the track via washers or springs and that they can achieve the extremes of turning needed without fouling steps, pistons etc.

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