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How to get robustly reliable CV Reading/Writing.

Guest Chrissaf

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Info in the first link suggests it boosts current as they say they didnt have to shut down lights, sound, etc, which NMRA specifically talks to as being off for service mode programming


second link is better as it says the boost is to charge caps and then the current is limited to 200mA which is the NMRA spec.


Third link talks about adding a low ohm high watt resistor for some types of decoder, a fairly well known fix already, used to prevent ringing affecting normal programming



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Well, I got my Powerpax and it made no difference.

Got a brand new piece of Peco flextrack, soldered wires to it, direct connection from elink prog outputs (no relay or switches) and no difference.

The only thing I could think of is that it came with a US power supply that outputs 15VDC and all I have here are 12VDC supplies. I am going down to the local electronics store to see if they have a 15V pack but can't see it making a difference

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I'm sorry it didn't work for you Fozzy. There must be something fundamentally different with those Euro decoders. Hopefully you will be able to return for a refund, and only be out of pocket for postage costs.


I was very particular to say in my caveat that you need to have some CV reading function, before adding the PPAX.


Its a pity you have eLink, if you had an Elite. You could download JMRI DecoderPro (FREE) and use that with an Elite. DecoderPro seems to work with just about every decoder brand on the planet. One of the tests I did, but didn't document in my original post, was to read the CVs of my Loksound decoders with that combination (DecoderPro + Elite). So I confirm that DecoderPro software can communicate to a Hornby Elite controller. But there would be no guarantee that the Elite would fare any better with your Euro decoder CVs even if being used with DecoderPro. Note: eLink communication protocols are propriety to Hornby and not listed in the DecoderPro pull down controller selection list, whereas Elite is.

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Yep, I was thinking it might be a elink thing. The two engines I have trouble with are a Trix (didn't work) and the the Hornby Pendolino, which is most surprising.

No big drama as the Trix runs well (on address 3) and the pendo was free but is just junk (bits fall off it, stops and starts at random so maybe thats why it was free!) so it will be a "display" unit on my shelves.

It was only about $100 for the PPax and I have spent more than that on beer on a big weekend so no biggie. It may prove useful in the future.

I have many Hornby engines and love em but the Pendo is a complete dog

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I tried the eLink as a straight swap for the Elite in Rocrail and got some odd results, so I guess there is a comms disparity going on somewhere, maybe more than just the baud rate.

Don't give up. Just put it on a list - 'to be investigated' when I have the time and the money to buy the kit to do it.

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I've decided to go for a Powerpax - thanks for the detailed analysis Chris.

Digitrains are the only UK supplier that I can find either still in business who can provide them - thye are out of stock but have two on order from the US and I have reserved one of them!

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