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Loksound v4 decoder


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Is anyone having trouble reading the address of the new Loksound v4 decoder on an Elite? When reading the address I get random addresses for both Clun Castle and the Class 08 shunter. I can read all other loco addresses, including Loksound v3.5 decoders.


have the latest Elite firmware and have tried a unit reset without any success. Everything else works, including writing a new address, but I would be interested if anyone else has had the same problem reading the address and what, if anything, can be done

about it.
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Before going much further, I would thoroughly clean the rail tops of the programming track and also clean the wheel treads of the loco. Then retry. Sometimes lightly holding down the loco onto the programming tracks rails will allow read or writing

to happen. Of course some decoders cannot be read back (Not the LokSound) and some need several goes at reading a CV.

Most of the problems are due to dirty rails or wheels, as the programming side of the console uses a much lower current flow to the

programming track rails to prevent a decoder having full rail power applied to should it be faulty or wired incorrectly.
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