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Response from Railmaster Support

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I have used Railmaster for the last 4 years with no problems but my aging laptop with Vista was showing its age so I decided to take advantage of the cheap Railmaster price and put it onto my Surface Pro 4 with windows 10. I had downloaded the evaluation version and that worked straight away however when I got my licence number and tried to register it is when my problems began. I have tried everything including disabling my firewall and windows defender, read all the documentation and posts and it won't go through, just keep getting the message saying I have entered the key wrongly, no admin rights or poor internet connection. I have talked to Mark Lodge who sent me the standard check sheet and emailed Railmaster support 4 times with no response whatsoever. Any help would be appreciated. 

I have full admin rights but also selected run as adminstrator just in case, have changed the rights on the files from read only, tried it connected to the Elite and on its own. Deleted and reinstalled a few times, tried the suggested changes to the ini file. Etc etc. 

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Have you tried contacting Railmaster for support via the Railmaster progam?

Yes I tried that and it wouldn't go through which led me think it was a communication problem but I have checked and can't find anything wrong. I sent the log file as an attachement along with all my details and licence number, first email sent Saturday. 

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Once you have made initial contact and HRMS has a hook to hang your problem on then you usually enter into an email discussion with them as you may be required to send other files to them Or give more information.

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Which firewall do you use? If it Windows own version you should be OK if RM is registered within. Try a small thing like switch off the router and then switch back on after around 20 to 30 seconds. Sound daft? To some it will but routers have a tiny little thing of their own where the cahce information and this becomes corrupt. Doing the above will clear that cache and you may well have a better connection to some sites giving problems.


The router will almost certainly connect to some sites but not others while this cache issue is in situ giving a false sense of security in that you think there is nothing wrong. Try it, if you haven't already, and this will eliminate something that should be asked by HRMS anyway when they begin talking to you. It's a standard and common problem with ANY router... trust me, I should know.


Once done we can look at other things but first things first...

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Tried that one thankyou, it says it is contacting the activation centre and then changes to submitting, then I get an error message saying I've entered the wrong key if not i do not have admin rights or a poor internet connection.

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I think Chris said that there may be problems with Hornby servers being down intermittently if I remember correctly.


Maybe you have been caught up in the middle of that? If not, then something is breaking the connection early or, more likely, there is a problem at Hornby's end with their routines for accepting the key. Or maybe RM is corrupting the key upon transmission...

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I sent my 1st email on Saturday to them, finally got a response late yesterday, they gave me a stock answer that in 99.999% of cases it is an AV/firewall issue and for me to read all the guides. If after that it doesn't work they could log in to my computer although this is only necessary in 1 in 5000 cases.

I am now  left feeling such an idiot as it must be all my fault, after spending thousands of pounds on Hornby products  and managing to set up a 17' by 5' layout with 17 sets of points and 4 sets of signals, 10 dcc locos and I can't input a simple number. 

I sent the support team an invitation to remotely log onto my computer first thing this morning but as yet have not heard back. 

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Trouble is that many, many times it is an AV/Firewall issue. However finding the AV/firewall issue can be an absolute nightmare especially if you've ever had Norton AV installed (and it can still cause problems even if you've uninstalled it).

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Finally, they got in touch to arrange access to my computer but said there was not much point as they could find no record of my key and had I given them the right number. So I sent them some photos of the case and activation key to prove I wasn't a total numpty, they then said they had found it and it had been corrupted by a previous attempt to activate and interference from security software (usually Mcafee, which I don't have !!!!!)

I then went into Railmaster and clicked to activate and it went through straight away and is now fully functioning.

Strange that I did not do anything different to what I originally did last Saturday but this time it worked.

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I would guess that because the code you were entering didn't match the corrupted version that was registered against you on the main railmaster database it wouldn't work.  Once they corrected the corrupted version you were able to enter a code that matched and Bob's your uncle.

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