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Silly question time


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Hi, i am happily running RM from controller A, with Elite. Have a loco with suspect sound decoder, from car boot. Dont want to risk Elite/ prog track, if any risk attached. Is it therefore possible to use Elink, under controller B to read cv, with say Elite, turned off, as a one off, for example. john

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Oh No John, no John no (sung to the tune of a Christmas Carol whose title escapes me at present).


RM is locked internally within the software to ONLY use Controller A for programming activities. The ONLY exception to this would be programming a NON Hornby 'Self Learning' Accessory Decoder that might be connected to Controller B when being used as a separate Accessories only BUS.


If you wanted to use the eLink for programming a loco. You would have to select it in RM 'System Settings' as Controller A making the other coms configuration changes as necessary as well.

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Chris, hi, thanks, yes i knew i could put it as controller, A. but dont want to rock a working boat.    I was trying to find a way of not risking Elite with possible overload. Pity i do not have a Sprog. RM is running just fine , hence  the silly question. Would have rather risked my surplus Elink. All this loco does on DC, is make speaker noises, but of course it may not be set up for DC. Will think on. john

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John, you say all it does on DC is make some noises, but does it run with the motor working normally?  If it does, any risk to your your Elite would be negligible.  If it doesn't, it may simply be because the previous user has turned off DC Running in CV29 and there is still negligible risk.


Even if the whole thing is a dead short, it should still not blow your Elite, just cause it to shut down from the overload.  What I would suggest after trying on DC though is to put it on the main track and see if it causes any problem just sitting there.  If it did happen to be a dead short, you'd get a shutdown and everything would continue on if not.  Then see if it will operate on ID 003, the seller may have been considerate enough to reset it for you before sale, would be the sensible thing to do.  Then if nothing untoward has happened, put it on the programming track and try reading and writing.  I'd reset by writing 8 to CV8, then you can start from scratch as you would for a new decoder.

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Fishy, hi, put it on prog track, and gave new cv with Elite. However when placed on track, immediate Error. Will not run on DC. I am not conversant enough with Elite yet, to know how to set 8 to cv8. My book is in french, so will read up on desktop. john

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With loco on the programming track.


Press Menu, then Loco, then Direct, then rotate knob to CV and press. It will say write.


You then input 8 for the CV number and press and  then input 8  as the value and press again.


Lights will flash and it will go back to the CV screen.


Escape, escape, etc (or just press Menu) from all that and the decoder should be back to address 003 and respond to that on the main track.


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But why use Elite to program CV8, use RM?  After you do that, it should run on DC for a start.  Then if it still causes an error on the track, you probably have issues beyond the decoder.


Also while still on the programming track, get RM to read all CVs up to 30 at least and see what you get.  Remember if they all read 255, you aren't actually reading anything.  Then let us know how you are going.  If still having problems, try reading Cvs on one of your known good locos for comparison.  Then extensive reporting back please.

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