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Does RailMaster have a future?

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If RM goes on subscription I could even be driven to looking for a pirate copy rather than buy on the drip.


I dont mind buying a product and even updating it if the improvements are substantial but I refuse to hire stuff Thus paying times over for it over its life.

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The no subscription team!


Hornby's big mistake with RM, I think, is failure to plan and drip feed important updates.

Drip feeding important updates would have kept the interest running, whereas the way they have done things it has been all or nothing.


RM helps Hornby keep people in the Hornby camp, they could add special offers to RM users as a marketigg tool to encourage more RM users. 

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All above comments concurred with and certainly not the £50 pa figure the OP suggested. I only paid £49 (Hattons 2013) to buy my copy outright. A subscription would have to be set very low e.g. <£10 pa before I would even consider it, and even then begrudgingly.


And as for paying for feature upgrades. That's fine as long as the upgraded product is fully debugged and totally stable. Currently, we the users seem to be used as the Beta testers for each new release. For every bug fixed, another new one takes its place.

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There are two different element to any software development: Bug fixes and Enhancements.

Bug fixes should be free, after all the bug shouldn't have been their in the first place so you wouldn't expect to pay for something and then pay again to have mistakes fixed. The on-going development costs associated with bug fixes, along with a level of technical support, should have been factored into the original selling price.

Enhancements on the other hand are new features which the development team have put new time (and thus money) into developing. It is not unreasonable to expect to have to pay for that, otherwise how would they ever be funded? The exception to that is where the new development is associated with new hardware (such as LD) where it would not be unreasonable to expect the development cost of the new software functionality to be covered withing the hardware price (given you can't use the new software functionality unless you buy the new hardware).

So in summary:

If HRMS, at some point, deliver v1.65 which fixes bugs, then we should expect it to be a free upgrade (which, based on history, will be exactly what will happen).

However when/if HRMS releases, say, v2.0 which adds new functionality (or a brand new user-interface) then I would expect to have to pay for it (as we did with the 'PRO pack') and I would not consider that to be unreasonable.

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Having been following this thread it is perhaps time we chimed in making some straightforward points which are not open to misinterpretation:-


1. RailMaster definitely has a future and is here to stay


2. RailMaster will continue to be enhanced and bug-fixes resolved


3. There will never be charges made for fixing bugs and updates (other than a major version change, e.g. from version 1.xx to 2.xx or a Pro-Pack) will always be free


3. A 1.65 update will be released soon (hopefully before the end of the year) - this will be mainly a maintenance release fixing most minor bugs pointed out in the last few months and with a few minor enhancements including functionality and the addition of some new loco decoders and accessory decoders to the database


4. There have never been and are no plans to sell RailMaster on a subscription model.  We fundamentally do not believe in this concept and consider it a way of 'milking' consumers


5. We do plan to release loco detection although cannot specify a date or the precise reasons for the delay in doing so


6. Substantial new features are planned for the software in terms of both software and hardware over the next few years


In summary: RailMaster was, in-effect, developed by you the user.  If you look through the forums here you will note that most of the suggestions made after its initial launch in June 2011 have been implemented in one way or another in the software over the years.  We also listen to users' comments and suggestions and those of you who have made suggestions in the last five years of the life of this system will have seen most of them implemented.


Our continuing goal is to make this software the best of its type on the market whilst maintaining excellent value and support.  We know that there may be more sophisticated packages out there and some even free, however we also know that for the majority of users they are extremely difficult to set up and use and indeed many give up.  They certainly do not benefit from loco databases, loco decoder databases and accessory decoder databases implemented in the way RailMaster does.  We have developed RailMaster from the ground up to be the easiest to use package on the market yet having great sophistication for most users, especially when you consider the complications of DCC.  The Pro Pack (and additional functions planned for later) are optional and those feeling they want 50 additional powerful functions can choose to pay a small premium for this, which we believe satisfies the majority.  The same applies to the Apple iOS and Google Android-based controller apps.


We are also aware that there are a tiny minority (and we stress tiny, based on the many thousands of happy users) who shout a great deal on this and other forums when they encounter problems with the systems (mostly ironically enough through not reading the guides or problems with their PCs or antivirus, however of course it is always RailMaster's fault) but we also know that there is a common sense number of users who chime in with explanations and help.


RailMaster has the highest number of users in the UK of any PC model railway control system and sells more than all others combined and this is why RailMaster is here to stay and will get better with each passing year.

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HRMS, thank you for your comments, the only points i would make, is that people are moving away, who want LD, and even a  target date say in 2018, for example, would at least give many a reason, for holding on. My only other comment, is one of surprise, that the statistics of of sales of other peoples products, are so readily available. All power to your research,  for having achieved them. john

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I for one am very heartened to read the HRMS post as I am very happy with the product (and even more the support) as it currently stands apart from the ongoing issues with Android handheld incompatibility which I hope will be resolved soon and would only move to another product as a last resort. I also applaud Hornby for their willingness to communicate future plans (as far as commercial constraints allow) which is notably absent from many other manufacturers as it goes a long way to engender brand loyalty.


With a number of upgrades in the pipeline, I wonder whether Hornby have any thoughts about involving a select group of users in testing of new developments in the way Microsoft do via the Insider Programme? It would certainly reduce the problems of ensuring new developments run on as wider hardware/software base as possible and avoid future issues such as happened with the release of Windows 10 and the ongoing Android issues.


In return for testing, those users could perhaps receive a discount on the new major releases when they come to market or perhaps some other incentive? I for one would be happy to take part.

Just a thought.

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As someone who has had some frustration with outstanding problems with RM, I appreciate the full and honest answer given by HRMS above.


I detect a distinct change of 'voice' a much more positive attitude in my opinion than I heard in early correspondence with HRMS, and there appears to be much greater enthusiasm.


I definitely would not expect HRMS to confirm or deny a change of staff as the root cause of this improved attitude (again only in my opinion), but I do appreciate their dedication to product and support task.


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Some very welcome news indeed from HRMS... news that will allay some fears among members.


From a personal level I had no doubt that the product would continue. Too much time and money has been laid out for this to suddenly cease... as for a version 2... well, what difference does it make?


You will either have a new software release, hardware release or much more in depth updates to install and utilise. Either way it matters not except some may have to fork out a coule of pounds extra for the extra functionalitiy, much like the Pro Pack which, thus far, I have not purchased as it is not required until I settle on a layout plan I can use without tearing it all up next year and each year until happy... :-)


LD will be welcome and those who have decided to move elsewhere will be back looking to see what they have missed out upon, guaranteed. I have the patience of a saint and don't mind waiting for a product that will ultimately be better than most, if not all, others out there when released.


RM and the eLink are a very good pair of products as is the Elite etc. and can only grow with our input and knowledge creating requests for further implementation of very good ideas. Now... a question... what other of the systems manufacturers out there do this? If one or two do then it will be by a few dedicated users and not a general forum full of knowledgable folk like us. No offense intended to users of other forums of course but the point is that Hornby listen and react when they can. Obviously they cannot divulge their inner secrets and I don't really want to see that happen anyway - but they cannot also keep asking, via this forum or other means, that we do show some patience and the rewards will flow.


Also we cannot keep asking when this, that or the other is due for release because it just causes anxiety and repeated questions or remarks when we can be better off discussing what we CAN do now with the systems we have at hand. I refer to repeated questions of course and not one-offs.


Hornby have to attempt to join in the game and keep ahead of it at times and while the company, like others, have to be wary of costs at least we DO have a company still churning out product and that is a great thing to have. Let's be grateful they are still here... unlike others.

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A big thank you to HRMS


It is always good, we have said it before, when HRMS provide their input and not leave members dangling, wondering and looking at other products.


The tone of the message is encouraging, thanks again. The reassuring statements made, gratefully received, thanks again. The confirmation of the popularity of RM reflects well on the flexibility of the product to reach out to the new model train users yet provide masses more for the enthusiasts.


The timing of your reply is also excellent, as stated and as you will have noted over time some members have left RM for other products, frustrations were creeping in, as they do around this time of year! I didn’t mean Black Friday.


An excellent reply HRMS, if I have not said it before... thank you.


We look forward for the next RM update, the bug fixes, and the extras you are working on and to leave 2016 behind along with the issues there have been and look forward to an even more exciting and productive 2017.


Thank you also for your comments on LD, there has been a lot of interest for this product, possible even a few comments on the forum, we wait patiently and hopefully and thank you for giving us a little longer to save up for it.  But don't leave it to long or my wife may find it and spend it!   😉

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I would like to add my thanks to HRMS for that statement.  As the Originator of 2 quite relevant threads, namely the 'sweep for when RM will be available' and 'desirable features we would like to see in future versions of RM', a lot of the HRMS statement is very valid and shows that we have a direct link to the Developers and it is excellent news that more powerful features are in the pipeline.

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Is this £5 copy of RM a full licenced copy? The copy that comes with the train set and elink says that it can only be used from 1 computer at a time.

Does this additional copy mean that we can register the licence and use it on a 2nd computer (without needing to unregister from the 1st computer?)

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