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Running more than one program in RM

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I had no idea that such a debate would ensue when I raised this request as a “Desirable Feature”. In computer programming terms, what I had in mind would be that the chunk of RM which executes a program would be allowed to run as multiple “instances”, each executing one program. There would still have to be a single instance of a common module to receive each command and pass it down the USB to the Elite, and I envisaged a “pipe” mechanism for each instance of the program executer to pass the commands to this module. Each instance of the program executer would have its own clock timer which would be initialised to zero when the instance of the executor is created. When the program has finished, that instance would terminate and be cleared from memory.


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HB, get yourself down there, definitely go for it.  Tell them we all sent you if you like.


Ray, now we're talking, more like this please.


WD, well done but seems to me you've just written one program with 2 locos.  What I think this thread is looking to discuss is your writing a program for each loco then running them independently at the same time without one program interfering with the other.

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Part way Fishy not necessarily one train per program but we are on the right track.


As it is now we can prepare programs and merge them. The problem is with chaining programs is timing, I don't mean timing from when they start but time gaps between each command. points in particular and signals as they demand time delays. When two programs are merged timings fall to close together and have to be changed, this is not to much of an issue with two small programs but the more programs chained together the bigger the issues, especially if we have a lot of points, slips and signals, bearing in mind acceloration and deceloration of loco speeds, etc. 


Chaining programs has its limitations. But running multiple programs, train by train or a couple of trains/locos in a single program can work fine. I personally would use the option to run many mini programs, where a train may run part of a route and stop, another mini program being triggered from the change in point or signal by myself when other trains or locos passed the junction, lots of mini programs with lots of trains or locos in them. 


Thanks Ray for bringing this topic back into discussion and for the detailed update you have provided above.


John, as mentioned in this thread and others in the past, the easiest way to prepare a program route is first record one, then look at the program, see how it works, then edit it to suit your aims. You may find it easier to just record a train route and maybe the odd point/turn-out; leave signals if you have them till later. As you re-run the program you can see the timer counter ticking and from that you can note when you want to change something or add a signal to the program and to change its aspect. Have a play, progamming routes is fantastic, Ray will confirm this, he has 100's of programs.

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Thats interesting because PowerPos Systems produce the PowerTouch 1201 EPoS terminal and Software for Retail business based in MiltonKeynes.........same phone number as Invicto........maybe I should call in and see how they're getting on.......even offer to lend a hand to speed up the roll out of LD...... 😎........HB

Nice one HB


From memory this company was originally an ePos company, and still is, they have many years experience in the ePos systems for retail businesses.


How they and Hornbycame together to discuss model train automation we don't know but, at some stage they obviously did so, together they could see how their software could easily be adapted for model train control. Being an ePos company, bar code scanners for shops, it is probably easy to see how they came up with the idea for LD.

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could be of course, that as probaly only 26%,  if that, of railway modellers use DCC, that hornby, are putting some overdue development into the larger market for  those dinosours, who prefer/ cannot afford to change the habit of a lifetime, and continue to run Proper Trains (DC). john    ( only a thought)

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Yesterday, my 9 year old grandson joined me in the attic where my layout is. I showed him how programs could be run to move the trains, but of course, he asked for a program to move a particular train over a particular route through the station complex, and back to its start point. I didn't have a program to do this, so I asked him if he would like to create one. I showed him how to use the program editor, how to select points and loco operations in the program lines. He made a note of all of the points settings required on the route. With guidance, he had the program running perfectly in about 40 minutes.

It really is that simple to do.


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Hi Ray


To help anyone who is new to RM or just looking or thinking about programming routes, would you suggest the easiest way to start id to record a route first and edit that, or would you advise any other method. I put it to you Ray because you have been using programs for a long time and probably have more than anyone. 


John the message Ray has provided above shows how easy it really is. When you run a program you will probably initially use shunt and cruise speeds, but once you see how easy it is you may use accelerate and decelerate, that is even less program commands. Do have a play, try it, we think you will be pleasantly surprised. 

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PJ thanks, if i am pleasantly surprised, twill be the first time in 10 years. john


There is a first time for everything John  😉


I look forward to hearing your reply after trying it. Twill be the first reply of its kind I think  😆


If the word programming puts you off. ignore the term, you are basically setting a few command lines for RM to carry out for you, a few or as many as you like. The easiest way as mentioned is place a loco or train where you want it to start, click to Record, make a sound if you wish (not you John   😮), start your loco/train as you would, run as you would, slow down and stop some where near where you want it to stop. Stop the Recording and save it with a name that reflects the route. 


Open the file and look at all the commands in the program, you will see each is timed from the second you started the program to the second you stopped it. Take your loco/train back to where it started for the program you recorded and then run the program. If you are unsure at any stage just ask. I am not connected up again yet as layout was only put down again last night but Ray and others are here to help where we can.


We look forward to your surprising comments John. Twill be a pleasure to hear from you. Enjoy.  😎


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RDS, Hi, at present i am hanging on to our caravan to stop the wind, 80 klm, taking it into orbit. We are very high here, and catch all the weather going. Had storm force winds all day. Unlike some of you fellows, my hobby needs to take second place to our land. Each morning i start with good intentions to go upstairs. This morning, had to replace toilet innards. Well water, not as clean/ pure as mains, and needs regular looking at. Tomorrow is  Physio/ shopping.  I really will go up and look into it on weds, weather permitting. , promise. john

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I hope you bear the weather well without any storm damage. 


Treat this programming like a tape recorder. Put the loco(s) in their start position, switch on the tape recorder and press buttons, twiddle knobs, etc until done, then switch tape recoder off. Give your program a name and it will save.


Put loco back in start position and press play the named program again and it does it all by itself.


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Hi John


The winds and rain have been bad here too, the south coast, in particular the south west and Wales, storm damage and flooding, towns, cities and the railway in areas. Several large ships in the English Channel have also crashed. Hopefully the winds won't cause you any damage. 


Nice to know you will try the program facility, we look forward to your comment and questions if you have any, in your own time, as and when.  😉

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RDS,  no problem, no need to feel guilty. We chose to live at this altitude, never gave a thought to the wind situation, any more than we did apart from wondering why the entire kitchen wall is covered with Lightning conductors. Twas only after we lost 2 chimnneys, all roof coping tiles, and were totally flooded upstairs , that we thought, about our location. Each year the storms have a choice, which rivers to follow. This year, they are  coming our way. Me caravan was rocking and rollin, but better now. Its as bad when you go upstairs, the timber joists moan and whistle at you.   .  All good sound effects for the trains. Here in france, all hard wood joists, all oak, none of this pine muck. john

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