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TrainTech new signalling product launch

Guest Chrissaf

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It is very kind of you RAF, I thank you for permission.

I have never needed permission before???  END!

PJ - I am in a position neither to give nor to deny permission of any sort.

I merely contribrute to the forum as I feel the need.

If it offends some I accept any reprisal it raises.

If it helps others then I have achieved something today. 

End of conversation.

If the mods or Admin object to this post then please feel free to hide it.


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Wow, just got up on a warm summer morning to find its warm over your way too and all signals are at red.  While I'm sure the concerns are very real to PJ and Rob, my reading of the exchange is that it has started from misinterpretation of the intent of words used rather than a deliberate intention to offend.


I downloaded that brochure, it doesn't seem to say much more than Chris had already posted, just covers more products on other pages.


Slornie, that seems like a lot of ifs and mights to get to both systems communicating via LCC, don't think I'll hold my breath.  I think I hypothesised a while back that LD might use LCC, which would mean a lot of change from what we've been told to date.  Certainly for now, we have SS and RM being quite independent (Red override excepted) and little likelihood they'll talk to each other any time soon.

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Hello, I am David from Train-Tech and yesterday Rob met me at an exhibition said there had been a long thread on our new Sensor Signals and so I thought I would have a look and respond by explaining what it is.


Sensor Signals are colour light signals with a sensor and a micro with lots of other electronics built into their base. The Sensor Signals (SS) are designed to work on their own and can slide or wire straight into a DCC track/bus for power or be wired to a constant 12-16V supply on a DC layout. To dispel any myths we use infrared as our detection system with some unique circuitry and firmware in the signal to constantly measure and adapt beam senstivity to take account of ambient light so that no special reflective surfaces etc will be usually be required under any train or stock.


They work in a very similar way to the real railway's Automatic signals, normally showing green until a train enters that section or block and then turning red until the train exits that block. There are 2, 3 and 4 aspect SS available, also models with feathers or theatres.


You can use a SS on its own so that it will change from green to red as soon as a train passes and then after a short time return to Green (via yellows in the right sequence if a 3 or 4 aspect signal). However the really exciting bit happens when you have more than one and link them to each other just using one single core wire as they will then work as a completely automatic block system not based on time but on when trains enter a block and when it leaves them. The wire is just single core and plugs into a small socket on each SS so quick and easy for anyone to do with no soldering.


Additionally we have introduced another new product called a Mimic switch which just connects to DC or DCC power and connects to a Sensor Signal again using a single wire which plugs into the Sensor Signal. This has 2 LEDs, one multicolour to show the Red, Yellow or Green state of the SS and the lower LED will show occupancy, flashing as the train goes past the SS and staying on constantly while the train is in that block. The mimic switch comes in two models with a toggle switch or a push button and this can both manually overide the signal to red and/or change a feather/theatre. Mimic switches can also be used to display and control points, crossings and other future products all using the single wire to connect allowing Mimic control panels to be built really easily.


The single wire system we have called Layout Link and as you can probably imagine has taken a lot of time and thought to design and develop but unlike some things I have just read it is not linked to Hornbys Railmaster or any other system but is completely our own, designed by us and manufactured here in Norfolk UK. Whilst I can imagine it might feel frustrating to some that we have created a new system to link all of these we did look at DCC feedback/network systems like Loconet, RM and Xpress net etc but concluded there was no real standard and we wanted these signals to work with everything, including non-DCC modellers and so we feel we have probably achieved this making them controllable by virtually any DCC controller or PC system and only using a single wire to link between. With the introduction of 85 new products in our new brochure we have been busy engineering and manufacturing them and do not have any plans to interface to any other systems, but will watch with interest how our system is adopted and listen to feedback at exhibitions and letters etc once we have a good number of systems installed.


Although Sensor Signals do not use or need DCC in any way to operate as an Automatic signal(s) they do have a DCC decoder built in so that any may be overidden to a Red condition via a single DCC accessory command. DCC can also be used to control a feather or theatre if the signal has one fitted. Address is assigned using our usual easy One Touch DCC method.


Our established range of DS DCC controlled signals will continue to be available just as before and in fact has been expanded as you will shortly be able to buy them with left or right feathers or theatre indicators too.


I hope this helps address at least most of the questions about our new Sensor Signals and Layout Link and I hope you will appreciate that while we are always keen to interact with customers and provide good support we cannot spend too much time on Forums as we are working long hours to finish thorough testing of all of these products before their release in the next few weeks. If you would like a copy of our new 20 page brochure they are free and you can just email sales@dcpmicro.com with your address for a copy or if you have any specific questions I have not addressed here please drop us an email and we will be very happy to provide a prompt reply.


We really feel we have a ground breaking product here which addresses the  problem most of us railway modellers have in that we spend most of our time concentrating on driving trains and so do not have time to change signals too and hope you like them. Videos will be available on our websites shortly and the products will be available this month.


Thank you very much for your interest.


David Palmer - keen railway modeller and founder of Train-Tech

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My compliments to Rob (RAF96) for facilitating David from TT to post a most interesting and informative reply. David's clarity has in my view dispelled some of the unknowns and potential myths that have been building up in this thread.

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@train Tech

Hi David,


Many thanks for taking time to add the details you have to the forum, a very informative post.


As always from Train-Tech, excellent products, and excellent customer service. 


It will be interesting to follow members comments and discussions over the coming months, I do believe your latest introductions are a big leap forward for model railway technology. 


As for me I already have 29 of your DS signals, they look good and are so easy to install. One touch setting up makes it so easy to do. I have not used the power fingers on my signals, I have cut all of them off, I slotted wires through the small holes and soldered them so they go straight under the layout and connect direct to the DCC Bus.


I also have a dozen route indicator/feathers as yours were not ready when I wanted them, but I have to say that I do think yours look good, I like the idea of them clipping on to the signals. The theatre indicators also look excellent.


Thank you for the help and service you provided, I am very pleased, and thanks again for taking time to add your post above.

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I am very interested in the "theatre indicators". I wonder if the number, letter or symbol displayed is variable by a DCC command? Or can you only select one display pattern and just switch it on and off via DCC?



This lifted from Rob's response on Page 9


Theatre indicators similarly clip,on but here is a single backlight behind the numbers mask. This mask is simply a matrix of blanked holes which you push out to form the number of choice. If you want to change the number it is a mechanical process of blocking open holes and opening others. Due to its simplicity there is no electronic number changing facility.



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As stated - no you can't, but as a brief aside If I may....

...back in the day the Lightning fighter had a complex systems test rig which used state of the art (then) indicators comprising many sheets of edge lit transparent material, each etched with the appropriate legend. depending upon which edge light was lit determined which legend glowed upon the panel. Crude but white man's magic in those days.

Maybe it would be possible to rig similar sheets of refractive acetate bearing the correct alpha - numeric embossed 'shadow' with each being edge lit Kindle paperwhite style upon DCC selection. A challenge within less than 1cm square of course, which is why the TT simple fixed aperture method works for most applications.


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No Ray, I am fortunate to be able to post pictures without delay as can many on here following forum changes earlier in the year  by Admin.



Interesting comment Rob.


So Ray and myself add images and they are not released until moderated, we have been on here years and never entered any image that could be considered untowards at any time.


I placed images for the Hornby turn-table and it had to wait to be moderated, Ray placed his update yesterday, which included images, and it also is still waiting to be moderated!


We have both been on here for a number of years! I am sure there will be others on here in the same situation.



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From memory when this was introduced it was upon request, so if you haven't asked specifically of Adam, it won't have been added to your account automatically by dint of any title, heritage or longevity.

I may be wrong about the details of course as it was some time ago and Adam will correct me come Monday if that is the case, but I can remember stating my case in a direct email to him and sometime thereafter pictures went straight on.


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  • 3 weeks later...

My starter-pack arrived yesterday. I've not had time to play with it yet.

Watch this space.

Each signal, with it's ancilliary bits, is individually wrapped in a bubblewrap 'bag', the 'master' switch is in a little self-seal bag, the provided coil of wire is loose, and the whole lot is tightly packed in foamy  'sausages' then n a good strong card box of about 7 x 9 x 2"

No photo, because the bubble-bags are strongly coloured, and would blur the image.

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  • 1 month later...

I never did get around to installing those signals (been busy elsewhere) so that makes this next bit easier!

Train-tech have updated their signal software to be compatible with Railcom plus, and are offering a free update until the end of Feb, for those that bought the packs.

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