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RailRoad style Blue Rapier


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Can anyone point me in the direction of some centre cars for the Hornby RailRoad version of the Blue Rapier, EMU? I would like to extend the one I got in the train set up to a full 6 cars, so I need three extra ones. These are the ones with the simple couplings .

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I saw this when firt posted LC and noted to research it but I came to UK for the holidays and forgot about it.


First option is to download both the basic Blue Rapier and better Class 395 DCC redy variant service sheets and compare centre car bogieS with their trailer cr bogies.


I think if you could find any new or second hand Class 395 Centre coaches you could swap over the bogies to match those with the plastic hook and hole early variety tht cn be found at Peters Spares.


Most bogies are mounted by a knobbed pivot post that is removable to allow any bogie base and hook arm to transferred over To any chassis.


From memory the trailer car bogie has pickups and metal wheels where the centre car has plastic wheels and no pickups, so essentially all swappable.


Not very well explained but you can probably work out what I mean by looking at the two service sheets, noting that the part numbers may not match up with what Peters Spares illustrate, hence some spare items in my gash box.


I can look up my cross ref table and tell of spare assemblies when I go home in the new year.


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Ugh - viewed in the harsh light of day I have never seen so many typos in my post.


Just to add to it LC I was wanting to swap over from plastic wheels to metal wheels for better running and fitting bogies with pickups would allow me to introduce some lighting when I spotted the Blue Rapier has no interior detail and the windows are blacked out, so I ended up just fitting a Cyclops light into the roof at each end. SImple to solder a long legged led piggy back onto the existing one and bend the legs to get it to sit correctly in the top light area.


More about the wheels here https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/forum/blue-rapier-coach-wheels/?p=1


If you want to DCC the beast that is also very easy and I have a good guide. Not sure if you are a DCC man though given your collection of older stuff.


Also just found this old thread with some good numbers to look for, although the links are dead.



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