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Which way does the Decoder fit?


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Hello All

I feel a bit embarrassed to ask this but one can only learn by asking.

I have just fitted a Hornby decoder to my newly acquired Kestrel. This was only my second go at fitting a decoder myself, so rather apprehensive.   A bit of a struggle to remove the body but OK in the end after kind advice from the distributor. Then the problem was which way to fit the decoder as there seemed to be no marking on the Heljan loco showing the correct socket for the "orange" connected pin. Luckily I chose the right one but was having kittens until the track test, that I had messed things up.

So would a decoder be damaged if fitted the wrong way round ? Or just not work ?  Knowing the answer might prevent me from future use of Valium !

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If it is the NEM 652 8 pin plug and socket, no damage should be done getting it the wrong way round. When the wrong way round, the motor wires are reversed so the loco will run the wrong way plus any functions (lighting for example) will probably stop working correctly.

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