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Modelling an OO Gauge WW1 Railway Gun

Chris and Archie

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Hi Chris and Archie

That was an interesting project

I think you should have tried to make a representation of the shield for a more complete look it was a naval gun.

All you need now is a wagon load of shells to go with it 🤐

OK, it isn't German but I think the Triang Furgon (spelling??) if you can find a good one at a reasonable price would be the ideal partner for the gun.

All steel construction so an ideal command and observation point for the gun or just somewhere reasonably safe for the crew to rest.

regards John

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Nice video, Chris and Archie and thankyou for adding sub-titles. That makes it far more enjoyable for hard-of-hearing or deaf people. As many modellers are getting on in years there must be quite a few of us around and they will be grateful. 😇    Unfortunately many of the YouTube videos "Opening a blankety-blank model" don't have have subtitles  (which makes SOME of them even more boring  🤐 ).    Well done.

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Well done, great model


I'm pretty certain that the track gauge in Africas is mostly 3' 6" (14mm in 00) so if it was built to this gauge the inherrant inaccuracy of OO actually works in your favour with it not being much worse that using the 16.5mm gauge of 00 to represent 4'8.5".


I've often thought about modelling a British Railway gun and I know some were fitted to bogie well wagons.

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 I thought this looked interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BL_12-inch_railway_howitzer but couldn't find a 12" howitzer in 00 so have ordered a 9.2" seige Howitzer kit in the hope that it will look near enough. All I need to do is get a chassis built. Possibly a 3D print.


If the gun turns out to be wrong I'll probably just use it as a wagon load = I have two unladen Crocodile H's just looking for a removable load.

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Lima used to produce a 1/87 (HO) version of the Wehrmacht WWII railgun 'Leopold' , that was impressive but not very detailed, more of a good toy than a genuine model. It came in various colour schemes including camouflage. They also produced a complete railway gun train, hauled by a period-correct V188 articulated diesel, aind including one more more wagons (non prototypical, repaints of existing models in the range). If you want something really spectacular , try the HobbyBoss 1/72 (same scale as Airfix) model of the the mammoth german DORA railway gun , the largest piece of artillery ever, I believe. That is if you have the skill and patience to assemble hundreds of small parts. 

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 I have an unbilt Hopyboss kit for the Leoplod on the top of a cupboard. looking at it it is may little too big to run on an OO layout.


I'm now thinking of doing something based on this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BL_9.2-inch_railway_gun#/media/File:BL_9.2_inch_Railway_Gun_Maricourt_September_1916.jpg

depending on what 9.2 inch Siege Howitzer Kit looks like. I might just settle for mounting it on an old triang well wagon.


Aside from being smaller than Leopold it is British so it's passing along the Shrewsbury-Chester main line enroute to somewhere is a little more plausable!

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