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Locomotive repair shops in Sydney.

Dazzler down under

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Hey all, im currently seeking a diy solution for a few loco repairs but if that fails does anyone know of any reputable repairers in the sydney metro area who could look at a few hornby locos for me? I know only of woodpecker models whom i have no exp with regarding repairs, and hobby co offer a service but last time that involved me sending the loco to hobby co, hobby co sending the loco to hornby, and a 6 month turnaround before i got the loco back.


so, anyone know of any other places that do repairs that i might be able to explore some more options?

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I know Oz is a big place but there are also a lot of people many of whom must be model railway fans and a fair proportion of these must be repair capable.


The trick is of course rooting these people out, which is what we have started to do in Cyprus. From a single enquiry on here about any other modellers on the island we are now up to seven members plus a new toy shop chain owner who is willing to provide membership cards and work with us to improve the supply of model railway items in Cyprus, something very much needed.


Our group, once we have all managed to meet each other, will be able to share skills and knowledge to everyones advantage.


A suggested New Years resolution for you Daz - start up a 'local' Oz model railway collective.



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"Train Trader" at Pymble, on the North Shore may be able to help you out, if you haven't already been there!

Try ringing (02) 9488 9279

After all, if it's "Triang" or "Hornby", it will be simple to repair for sure, and you can still obtain spare parts. (They used to encourage kids to do there own servicing.)

You didn't say what the problem was with your train's, somebody on this "Forum" may be able to assist!

Cheers & good luck!

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Ive posted a thread in the dcc section explaining my problems 10 class, its pretty long winded so if you can take a look at the thread locomotive issues in the dcc section all the info is there. Maybe it will get more exposure if i post it in general?I will look into train trader but as im out west ill try finding something a bit closer to where i am first. I work 5 mins from woodpecker models ill try taking them there and see what they can do as thats where i bought the locos, if they still do repairs, im about to make a phone call. Being easy to repair has lifted my spirits a little, ive been down in the dumps for a few days stressing about these locos, hopefully they are an easy fix, i think they will be.

thanks again everyone, ill let you all know how i get on at woodpecker.


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