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Using Track Extension Packs


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Kind of you LC to be concerned about its absence.


It will be back. Adam contacted me to give me a heads up. Extract of his mail reproduced below:


"Just a quick note to say you’ll see the Track Extension Guide at the top of General Discussion is no longer sticky. This is pending me making changes and having to nudge it to one side for a post coming soon. The thread itself is still on the Forum in case you want to link to it, but it’ll be a little while before it’s back at the top of General Discussion (where it belongs).


I do hope that’s okay, just as a temporary arrangement."


The document can still be seen on this link.



PS - When it comes back as a 'Sticky' it will be updated to version 2.0 at the same time.


PPS - "but it’ll be a little while before it’s back at the top of General Discussion"

I take this to mean after Christmas.


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