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Whistle Blowing


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Some of you may remember that I had problems with Bachmann 21 pin fitted locos on other parts of my layout running a short distance when progamming DCC on the  isolated programming track. I have taken your advice and made sure that the offending locos are DCC only.


However, I now have another curiosity (I say curiosity in that it seems not to be serious) in that my TTS fitted Hall 4935, when it is on other parts of my layout, sounds it's whisle when progamming DCC on the  isolated programming track. The programming is "straight out of the box except changing its identity from 3 to 4935. (I would add the function had been set so that the on/off on my elite blew the whistle)


Anyone else had the same?

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Seems like you have a bonus deal on your Elite.  While you do programming it looks after the layout.


This certainly sounds weird, your Elite must be sending out a correctly addressed packet which operates the CV for the whistle function for that to occur.  Sorry, I don't have an answer apart from not connecting your Elite to track while programming.


Just as a matter of interest, did turning off DC Running in CV29, which is what I think you're telling us you did, stop the other locos moving while programming?  I ask because I can't see how moving a short distance is DC Runaway which, once activated, means locos take off flat out until power is removed from the track.

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Most decoders send an acknowledgment to the controller during programming in Service Mode by way of pulsing the motor. This surge of current is 'seen' by the controller which proceeds to the next part of the programming task or knows the programming is complete.


Normally this pulse of current is not long enough to move the loco, but it is not unknown for some locos to move a very short distance On the programming track.


Some sound decoders may flash their lights or make a noise instead.


I have once had a sound loco start up on its own and then shut down again immediately, but I put this down to some kind of spurious signal packet being broadcast. Never happened again.


The Elite on/off button is normally only used by the Sapphire decoder to refuel.


Edit @81F was your TTS loco on another power district when it happened as if you are feeding that district from the Elite Boost terminals they are interrupted in tune with the programming - same relay the other set of contacts.

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The sound loco was indeed on the boosted part of my Layout as was the Bachmann City with the 24pin decoder. In both cases the run-away and the whixtle occurs or sounds as the red light is illuminated as it flashes, meanwhile the loco on the programming track makes it's usual small movements.


Next time I have a loco to programme I'll make sure my City of Brum is switched to DCC only and see if that works. I'll also put my recently bought TTS scotsman on the same circuit  that the Hall uses and see if anything happens then

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Stick a meter across the Elite boost terminls 81F and you will see it fluctuates as programming is taking place.


Buried in the NMRA blurb it says that you shouldn't send the same packet to a decoder within a defined timescale else a decoder on the main may interpret this as a command to go into Service Mode or the decoder may enter analogue mode (e.g. DC runaway), which could happen if the Elite is flashing semaphore DCC to your boost district by way of the programming relay contacts.



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