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TTS LOCO not taking Loco Address other than 03


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1. With the Select controller make sure there is no other DCC decoder (loco or accessory) connected to your track.  If you have a spare piece of track not connected to your layout you could connect to that using the power clip that came with your controller.


2. Place one loco on the track. Press and hold the 'SELECT' button for two seconds. The LCD should display 'LA'


3. Press keypad for the number you want the loco id. to be changed to. The LCD display should flash that number (in the Select manual they have the example of 1).


4. Press the 'SELECT' button again to programme the loco decoder with the number you chose in '3' above. The red led will flash up to seven times. If the red led flashes eight times start again.


5. The loco should now have the address you chose in '3' above.


6. Put this loco to one side off the track and place the next DCC decoder equipped loco on the track as in '1' above and repeat steps '2-4' using a different id. number. For loco addresses and the Select you can only choose from 1-59.


It is possible that a loco that did not come with the Select in a Digital Train Set may only be DCC Ready (has a socket that will accept a locomotive decoder) and does not have a loco decoder fitted.

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WTD two other locos were described as sound locos but because I didn't read with understanding I did not know if they were new. I had the experience of buying a second hand XS model which had the sound decoder and speaker stripped out so was just speculating. Now of course I reread the OP and see that they are 'cooperative'.


And in case he missed HM's post about 1-59 only use two-digit addressing. 😆

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@guru from India.

It is essential to program on a separate track, unless the Loco being programmed is the only Loco on the track and you do not have any DCC accessories, such as points, that have their own addresses.

In order to be certain you are only programming the Loco you want to program, a short length of separate track is highly recommended.  Which id numbers are you trying to program?

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