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Old settings forgotten....now what?


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Hi, I have a DCC starter set with 2 locos that 2 yrs ago I assigned some numbers and also made a consist on a 3rd number. I dug out the set after 2 yrs and having forgotten the original numbers, assigned each loco No1 and No2. They ran perfectly. I created

a double header on No 3. that ran too. But the moment I recalled no 1 loco to run individually, it wouldn't run and the No 1 would flash on the screen. The same happened to loco 2. Now when I dissolved the consist on No3, the individual locos began to work

OK again.
How can I again get the Locos to run individually and on the consist again without having to dissolve the consist everytime.
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Unfortunately, if you have the Select, that's the way it is. It's a basic controller with basic abilities. The standard decoders are also a limiting factor, even if you have a more advanced controller, because they don't support advanced consists where

the decoder can be given a consist address as well as it's normal address.
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I have a DCC starter Mixed goods set with the Select controller:


this mean I have to Dissolve the consist everytime I need to run the locos individually? Is this how it is? But then after I dissolve the consist #3, the locos #1 and #2 still retain their original numbers and do not need to be reprogrammed.

I seem

to remember I was able to assign a consist number for the 2 locos on the select and run a double header, then, recall an individual loco and run it without dissolving the Consist.


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Hi, when I started in model train DCC control systems I had the basic controller like you. One time I needed to find and change a loco DCC address and my friendly local model shop did this for me. You need to find someone who will

help you with a DCC Controller that can read & if necessary change the engine address. A friend, good local model shop or your local model railway club may help you with this?

When running locos together in 'consists' you can run the pair of locos from

the consist address or each of the individual addresses and then use the particular loco functions. It's not a problem to de-link the locos from the consist to run them individually. I don't think the consist address has to be dissolved - just de-link the

loco. On my current DCC controller this is done by pressing one button and then the same button to link the loco again. Do you still have the instructions of your particular controller?

I hope this proves helpful. Have fun.
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