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How to Set up Default sound functions on Scotsman R3284TTS?

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i've got the hornby scotsman R3284TTS which comes DCC with sound as standard. I'm using Railmaster (version 1.07) on Windows 7 32bit. When RM was first installed (less than a week ago) it did a full successful update, and i successfully activated RM online. The loco does run perfectly, no problems there.

The loco is brand new so has the default setup, but i am getting a different list of sounds showing in the loco settings, to what it says in the hornby manual for this loco. Also in the loco settings within RM, there are some sounds not available which are shown in the loco manual list, and most are different. Also a few play a different sound to how its described on the button (e.g. "guard whistle" plays a steam engine wheelslip sound. I havent had the loco on a program track yet.

When setting up the loco, i selected R3284TTS correctly from the Name database, and used ID number 0003, so i assumed this would all get set up automatically. i originally had it set as ID number 0001 because i didnt know about the 0003 ID number requirement, when set as 0001 the loco would not move and had no sound. Maybe this is why i havent got the setup as per the loco manual?

In loco settings, i've tried pressing the "set default functions", pressing it toggles through "steam 1", then "steam 2" and so on, but none of the options bring up the sound list as per the loco manual. maybe this is because i pressed wrong buttons when first setting it up, but surely restoring to default should clear any errors i made?

To get the full list of sounds and functionality as shown in the loco manual,do i need to mess about reading/writing CV's on a program track? I'm not too bothered at this stage about endless fine tuning of sounds (although i'm sure i will do eventually!), i'd just like the full list available, mainly because there as a few fundamentals (like drain cocks, blow-off and valves) not even available in any of the drop down menu's in loco settings.

the loco manual shows 17 sound functions, but the detault options in RM have much less. 

its so confusing when half of the functions in the list play a totally different sound when clicking the sound button???

i'd rather not use a program track at the moment, can this be setup programmed on the main line?

on another note, when first installing RM, it did a full update of railmaster software (to 1.07) i cant remember if it updated the firmware on the E-link controller. i've noticed new firmware and drivers are available on the hornby website, should i update all the RM software and drivers again, update the firmware on the E-link, and why does the hornby site only have software and firmware available for ELITE and SELECT, the vague install instructions seem to imply that the firmware is the same for ELITE and ELINK?

when i do upgrade RM software, am i likely to lose my activation, i've seen other threads where this has happened. if so should i deactivate before upgrading, then re-activate after upgrade (i'm worried about doing this in case i end up having to mess on with hornby customer help and lose the use of the e-link.



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Take a look at Chris's excellent piece on registering a loco in the database here:-




If you follow his instructions to the letter you should have success.


Also I don't know where you are seeing v1.07 of Railmaster. The latest version is 1.64, and you can download and install it by using the link at the top of the Railmaster section of the Forum. You only need to de-activate it if you want to install it onto a different computer - it can't be active on two different computers at the same time.


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No you don't need to do anything with CV's to correct these settings. In fact you can correct these settings even if your TTS loco was still in its original shipping box.


Note: Diesel 1, Diesel 2, Steam 1, Steam 2 are meant for use when locos are NOT in the Hornby database. Using those settings will not correct your issue, they are a stab in the dark, a rough guide to get one started and meant to be edited for each particular loco added to the loco roster.


In the 'Loco Settings' window, call up your loco so that the right hand side 'Function Name' list is populated, albeit with maybe incorrect labels. Then just edit the labels so that the sound made matches the label description. Use your loco documentation to provide correct label naming guidance.


Need more instruction, then review this previous post. OK, the linked post below is for a sound loco not in the Hornby database, but the principle described for editing the function buttons is the same....see items 5 & 6 in the list on the linked page below. Note that the large RM throttle displays more than 20 functions, so your 17 listed functions will display. You have to scroll the soft function buttons in the large RM throttle with your mouse to see them. First click the bottom of the large throttle window pane, to open the throttle window to the expanded view, then scroll up and down to see all the functions. You cannot see all the functions in the small throttle, only the six you select via the tick boxes in the Function list window pane.




EDIT: The link Ray has suggested (another one of my tutorials) may sort out your issue, but reading your post I think you have perhaps done that procedure already, but it just happens to have the wrong configuration (Function button labels) created by Hornby in error. In which case the link directly above relating to editing the labels will be more appropriate.


EDIT: The 1.07 is the eLink firmware. The downloadable firmware on the Hornby website is for the Elite (currently 1.43 as of 19th Dec). The is the revision for the RailMaster Software. Different numbers, but for distinctly different things. The 1.07 eLink software is not available from the Hornby website via download as new firmware revisions for the eLink are distributed as part of RailMaster updates.

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thanks for the replies, but the more i read, the more confused i get. half of the sounds in the loco manual are not available in RM. would i be better off deleting the loco from railmaster and setting it up again from scratch?

after setting up, do i HAVE to change the lD number from 0003 to something else?

and regarding the railmaster software update, it definetely updated when i first installed it last week, and every time i open RM it checks for updates (but never warns me i need to update). i am terrified of updating the software and firmware now because there is so much confusion about activation, and is the Elite software for ELINK aswell, hornby need to give their heads a shake. it took me an eternity to get the thing working in the first place, i darent risk going through all that again, i'll just accept the loco as is with half the sounds not available.


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Percy, there really isn't any reason to panic.


Let me try and put your mind at rest by dealing with your concerns one by one.


do i HAVE to change the lD number from 0003 to something else?


No you don't HAVE to, but it is good practice. Each new loco (or loco decoder) you buy will have 3 (0003) as the default address. You can only have one decoder with the 3 address. Therefore it makes sense to change the address AFTER THE LOCO HAS BEEN TESTED on address 3 to something different and unique on your layout.


and every time i open RM it checks for updates (but never warns me i need to update)


The start up routine will check for updates to RailMaster each time it starts up. If it should find one is available it will not install the update unless you give express permission (a dialogue box will ask if you want to install it). Online updates are perfectly safe to perform from the point of view of keeping all your current configuration and settings, performing the auto update should not affect your license key activation. People who have been affected with activation errors, have usually manually uninstalled RM as part of some action, when they shouldn't have done.


If you have an eLink, then a new version of RM may contain an eLink firmware update as well, but these rarely cause any problems.


The main issue with the auto RM update, is that the new version may have new bugs in it (not unknown), thus the savvy RM user will keep a copy of the known good working version (downloaded from the link at the top of the RM forum) on their hard drive so that they can go back to the earlier release if the new version has a serious bug. Unlike some other software brands, RM software does not stop the downgrade to a previous revision. I have done it myself in the past without issue. I suggest grabbing a copy of the current 1.64.1 installer from the download link now to archive on your PC, pending any future auto update to a later version. The download link is effectively the same source file as used by the auto updater, so the download link will have the later version of RM at exactly the same time as the auto update version is updated.


and is the Elite software for ELINK aswell,


It is exactly the same version of RailMaster used for both the Elite AND the eLink controller. The system settings and some railmaster.ini entries need amending subject to which controller is being used, but the software is the exactly the same. The Elite AND the eLink, do however have different unique firmware.


i'll just accept the loco as is with half the sounds not available.


None of the above has any bearing whatsoever on the sounds of your locos. Please do try following the instructions given for resolving your sound issue in my previous posts. They are completely safe to undertake in regards to the general operation of RailMaster. Trust me.


would i be better off deleting the loco from railmaster and setting it up again from scratch?


Well that probably wouldn't do any harm. Particularly if you have been clicking the Steam 1 & Steam 2 optional buttons for generic sound locos.


After deleting the loco from your RM roster. Start with my adding loco tutorial given in the link provided by Ray. Then if needed, edit the Function button labels using the tutorial given in the link in my first main reply after Ray's reply.

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May I add a couple of short, sharp points that you can rely on and will hopefully reinforce what Chris and Ray have said above:


Once activated, RM will not deactivate itself in normal operation, including installing an update over the top of your existing version.  But, do not uninstall RM using Windows Add/Remove programs, it is never necessary to do so.


You do not have to even think about Elite firmware updates if you are using eLink, they are irrelevant to you.  And any eLink firmware updates are done automatically as part of updating RM, so you don't need to worry about them either.  Forget firmware.


First up, forget about a programming track, you don't need to go near it to get the loco operating with all sounds, I repeat all.  However, remember that without changing it on a programming track, the loco ID will be 03 because that is the default address all locos start off with (it's a default, not a "requirement"). That said, you can run it until doomsday on this ID without any problem whatsoever.  But do check back if you buy another loco (it will also be on 03) because now you will need to change one of them at least as their IDs must be different to operate properly.


As you've been fiddling with the loco setup, I suggest you do delete it and start again, following Chris 's excellent guide to a Tee.  Using R3824T to find it in the Hornby list of locos and use ID 03.

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All you need to do is edit the labels in the 'Loco Settings' screen as per the image below. My edits are shown with tan highlighting just to emphasise the changes. Note it is important to include the on/off text where shown. The on/off text is required in RailMaster for 'Loops until disabled' sound functions, as the default in RM is for 'play once'. The on/off text addition to the button label changes the button function from a 'Play Once' to a 'Toggle' action.


To edit the label text, just place your mouse cursor in the label text box, delete the original text, then write the new text. Once all buttons are edited. Then 'save' the new loco settings before exiting.


Why Hornby's RM database has not populated the Function list with the correct labels is a mystery, but it does happen. Since the labels can be easily edited, the issue can be quickly resolved.


PS1 - Choose which six (six only) buttons you want to appear on the small RM throttle by placing a tick in the box of the buttons you want to select. All 17 functions will appear on the 'large' loco throttle, but the higher numbered ones need to be scrolled on the throttle to be seen. To scroll the large throttle, click the bottom centre of the large throttle frame. The large throttle will expand to show more functions. This expanded view can now be scrolled to see all functions.


PS2 - There is a character limit for what can be seen on the button labels, so keep the labels as short and as abbreviated as you can. Hence some of my label abbreviation examples in the image.




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I agree with Chris that its odd the FS database isn't populating correctly for Percy as FS is a fairly early TTS model.


Could someone else try loading that R number in to see if its local to Percy or if its a broader RM snag. If so then either PErcy can report it in or all others can on his behalf as he has enough on his plate at the moment to think about.

Thanks Rob

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Asked for R3284T and got this - F17 not shown - off the grab screen.

Also tried searching on Flying Scotsman and picked out the TTS R number from the list.


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Barring the missing on/off toggles. It would seem to indicate that Percy is choosing the wrong Hornby R number from the search list. Can't really do much more now except wait for Percy to come back with a status update.


Or could it possibly be Percy is not running with latest 1.64.1 RM version?


PS - It's not the first time I've had to add missing on/off toggles.

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 Chris: I quote "To scroll the large throttle, click the bottom centre of the large throttle frame. The large throttle will expand to show more functions. This expanded view can now be scrolled to see all functions". Why is it that I see only a max of 16 (4 x 4) function buttons, while I have 18 defined? I cannot scroll, only expand from 8 to 16.

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You dont actually scroll, you click and drag within the box to pull up the hidden buttons.

Oddly RM only supports 25 functions when there are 0-25 (i.e. 26) in TTS and capability for 28 in total to play with on the controllers.

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Easier for me to answer using some screen grabs from my copy of RM.....see below.


Note: I'm doing a full description for the benefit of other potential readers, thus my reply covers more than just your specific question.




OK, Peter as you say. The basic large throttle shows eight functions. Clicking the red patch in the middle of the bottom frame expands the throttle to sixteen functions....see below.




This view shows 4 rows of 4 functions (16 functions in total). Peter, as you have queried there is no scroll bar, thus it is not obvious 'how to scroll' to see functions seventeen to twenty-five.


Note: Even though there is no indicator showing. If you click the middle bottom frame where the red patch was on the first image, the expanded window will revert back to the collapsed window showing just the original eight functions. The red patch area is a 'sweet spot' toggle click point even though it is not marked as so.




This third image shows function buttons thirteen to twenty-five, after I scrolled it. As you can see ALL twenty-five function buttons are accessible even if they are not configured with a working function.


I have a touch screen, so my method of scrolling is to finger flick the function buttons upwards and the buttons scroll in sync. If you don't have a touch screen, but a mouse instead then there are two options open to you.


  1. If you have a mouse with a middle scroll wheel, the wheel should scroll the window. This is theory, as I don't have a wheeled mouse to try. My RailMaster laptop has a touch pad instead.
  2. If you don't have a centre wheeled mouse or the wheel doesn't scroll the buttons. Then left click AND HOLD any of the function buttons and drag upwards to scroll. This action should in theory not operate the function button as you are not using a quick click but a long hold drag click.....there is a difference.


PS - You may notice that some of my Function button numbers (shown in blue text) are out of sequential order. This minor bug has been reported before by many members. HRMS are still to provide a total fix for it. However it is a minor niggle rather than a show stopper.


AFAIK, none of these tips are described adequately in the RM manual, they were found by trail & error and experimentation.


Hope this helps, let us know how you get on, particularly if you have a wheeled mouse to confirm that the wheel scrolls the window or not.


EDIT: In light of Rob's intermediate post. There is space for buttons 26 to 28. Maybe HRMS will add them to a later RM release.

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Hi Chris, thank you so much! I don't have a mouse but a touchpad with a left and a right button below it to do the clicking. Your second option did it: left-click any of the visible F-buttons and hold it. Then with the touch pad move the cursor upward or downward to reveal the unseen buttons. It also works with only 8 buttons visible. My F-buttons are also out of order. I wondered if this had anything to do with the order in which I defined them but I didn't check. I was just too happy that my first loc, an Re 4/4" from the SBB in TEE livery (Fleischmann N-gauge) with a sound decoder (a Zimo decoder, I mentioned this in another thread) worked flawlessly 😀

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The original poster said the Zimo documented instructions didn't work for him either. Looks to be a more widespread issue then between Hornby controllers and Zimo.

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 Which I failed to change, despite your instructions which were spot on...... 😳


Peter, you might want to check out the RailMaster 'RM 1.65 Available' thread in the RM forum section. Something there that might be of interest to you regarding your MX 648 CV 266.

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Peter, just in case you missed the later additions by HRMS to the 1.65 release thread, they are offering to assist if you report your Zimo problem via the integrated support request help function.


PS - I can't remember if you had eLink or Elite. If Elite, the new 1.43 firmware appears to have fixed CV reading / writing issues for a few users, including me. If you have an Elite, then the new firmware might also have improvements in pseudo programming your Zimo 648.

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