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Class 43 HST (MTU) Sound Decoder Manual


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The manual can be downloaded from Hornby and the Introduction says :-

The Hornby Class 43 HST locomotive is fitted with two Twin Track Sound decoders. i.e.. one is fitted in the "powered" car, the other in the "dummy" car.This configuration gives a more"realistic" experience when running the locomotive i.e.. In real life both front and trailing cars have diesel engines. Full acceleration/deceleration sounds, horns and other sounds associated with the Class 43 locomotive are playable from both decoders either, individually or together; depending on your control set up.

Please see separate note sheet for more information

Does anybody know where this separate sheet can be found?

I have changed the address of the powered car but I cannot alter the unpowered dummy car from 3.

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The supplementary is likely to be the TTS leaflet.  It shows nothing special about changing loco ID.


What controller are you using?  Did you try to change their addresses together at the same time or separately?  Whichever way you tried, try it the other way.

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The supplementary sheet basically gives different ways to set up the decoders. It suggests the best way is to set them up separately and then run as a consist. This gives the ability to have the sound coming from the correct ends. I am sure I have a copy somewhere but I won't get chance to look for it until after Xmas. My own experience is it's a whole lot easier to set them up the same!


Edit: the reason you cannot change the decoder in the dummy individually is that there is no load on it without a motor being present. I programmed the power car then swapped the decoders and programmed the second one in the power car and then put it back in the dummy.

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I did wonder whether the fact that there is no motor might be the reason. I wonder why on earth they didn't mention that in the manual instead of on a separate sheet (which obviously is not always included)?

Thanks for the help. It will be after Christmas now before I can try the decoder with a motor attached.


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