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battlefront gift set help!?


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/media/tinymce_upload/a8b5d38887236fbb4ebba40e06f32b93.jpgHello all and merry christmas!

My lovely sister brought me this great christmas presnt! Now ive been building planes for about a year now but never touched scenery! Im trying to do my recherch but i dont even know were to start looking!

Im fine with building the tanks and im going to give it my best at weathering them. but scenery were do i start? looking to make it more of a rural setting i know that much. but im serching for shops and i struggeling to find anything!

Any pointers and websights will be greatly appreciated!


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Flocks and other ground cover scatter materials can be found from model railway suppliers.  On how to use them, I'd recommend checking out a YouTube channel by a guy that uses the name The Terrain Tutor.  The scenic work is mainly aimed at table top wargaming but is very informative and the info can be applied to other modelling areas.

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Hello Harvey

Meant to answer your question earlier but ... 

Well  for a start you could try the Tips & Tecniques forum on this site and the Figures, Diorama and Scenery forum, It might take a bit of trawling through them, but that's the nature of research. As mentioned above model rail-road shops a a great sorce of knowledge and things to use in dioramas. If you can find someone at the shop who's a member of a club ask him, or even better go to the club, I can guarantee you'll be left speachless at what can be achieved and usually how easy it is, and how cheaply some outstanding results can be. if they can't help you can try the war-gaming sites and clubs.

Hope this helps and look forward to seeing the result, and hearing about your journey. You might like to check out two of my postings that I've build a small diorama, one for the Ju 52 float plane ( back about 3 or 4 pages) or more recently the Me 109 shoot-out that again I did a small simple diorama. Also check out several of Ratch"s posts as he's done several dioramas.

Remember we do this for fun                                         John the Pom

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