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6 car power base won't program cars

Dolly Tony

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Hello, I am new here.

I have purchased an advanced 6 car power base 2nd hand off eBay, it looks like new  and the seller stated it had only been used a few times.

My problem is when the LCD display is plugged in I cannot program the cars to the controllers in prog mode, nothing happens when I press the down button to change into the prog menu.

If I unplug the LCD display I can manuallyprogram the cars using the actual power base.

Does this suggest the LCD unit is faulty or the power base, is this a common fault can it be repaired.

Thank you.


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I am not familiar with that problem but I think one other person on the forum reported a similar issue, I don't recall any response when advised to try the method without the LCD screen.


It does sound as if there is a problem as you have obviously been reading the manual and I am sure followed it to the letter. I would suspect the problem is with the powerbase itself as the display is just that, nothing more.


You might want to consider asking scalextric to check the firmware on the base and update it if it can be done. The base can be connected to a PC with a Special cable and you could do that yourself, but please note the cable is a special one and using a standard ethernet cable may have caused the problem in the first place!


The problem is the forum is not the place to ask scalextric, you need to use the "Contact Us" link under the Help & Advice tab above.

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  • 2 years later...


Did anyone find the answer to this problem because it has just started for me. 

I am really frustrated as I have only played with this set a handful of times. 

Any help would really be appreciated 

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