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HST cab lights on DCC


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just got the 40th anniversary HST pack and have two hornby DCC decoders and the lights in the cab come on as well as the headlight in whichever one is the leading Power car .


Can this be turned off ? would I need to use a four function decoder ?

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the instructions doesn't mention DCC or the lights .


having problems with this HST set its the 40th year pack .

the DCC decoder in the power with the motor in is getting very hot. I think it's burnt out one chip .


I have tried several different decoders hornby and backmann the all get hot after a short period of running. The locomotive runs very well apart  from that . 


Not sure what to do 


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I wrote to customers care a few years ago pointing out that having the lights on in the driving cab was not really correct and was told (by Kenn, I think) that they would take note for future releases.  Seems like nothing has changed.

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If a decoder is getting hot and burning out then there is  wiring fault on that car, which needs investigating either by sending it back or if out of warranty by use of  a meter across the pickups to the pcb connections.


standard fault finding rules apply - each wheel side pickup should be continuous to its marked pcb connection. Each pcb connection should go to its lighting and motor in a motor car.


maybe if out of warranty you could post a photo of the pcb and the connections from the pickups, etc.

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Note though that decoders do get very warm to the touch in normal operation.  If they actually burn out, they no longer operate and it's usually one or two of the 4 big black rectangular bridge rectifier diodes at the connector end of the PCB that will be destroyed.

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 I have tested the locomotive with a multimeter with the buzzer  setting Everything seems to be okay no all the pickups go to the correct places are not crossed over or anything like that  I also tested the DCC socket and only pin one and five are connected together .  if I'am correct this is the motor connections so they would be connected ? 


 I can't see anything the matter with it  nothing touching where it shouldn't or anything faulty . I have given it a quick test run on analogue and it seems to perform better  than with DCC .  going to try longer on analogue just to see if it gets warm.


the decoder  fitted it was getting warm on the top of the body  I have never had this before with any locomotive or decoder

I have taken some pictures of the circuit board  to see if anyone else can spot anything




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I have done some more testing when running on dc the loco gets just ever so slightly warm .when running on DCC the decoder gets quite warm this is with a new decoder .

the body gets warm to the touch on the roof


I may have to speak to Hornby when they reopen in the new year


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Just release those two cross head screws and ease the pcb up to see if there is any chance (or evidence) of a decoder pin touching the loco chassis. If so a suitable piece of insulating tape may help.


Also while the pcb is up look for any stray solder bridges or wire whiskers causing problems.

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The bridge rectifier diodes are immediately behind the left side of the red wire loop. Is this where it is getting hot?  It would seem to indicate the motor is drawing current near the operating limit of the decoders, so may be something amiss with it?

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I will check the bridge rectifiers and pcb when I run the HST again tomorrow .


The odd thing is the power car runs very well it runs very smooth and quiet no noise form the motor 


if the top of the body didn't get warm with the decoder fitted you wouldn't know there's wrong with it 


I'am just concerned about the decoder getting hot as eventually I want to fit sound 


thanks for all the help so far  😀

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Just done some more testing with the HST  this morning and the actual PCB and bridge rectifiers  do not get  warm. the motor doesn't get hot either.


 I think that it was the decoder that I had stuck to the circuit board making the PCB warm , there is nothing touching the metal chassis and no shorts across the pins on the socket.



 it's just the decoder getting quite warm especially after a long run  it gets really hot  when I was using Hornby chip wrapped in tape it was enough to melt the tape so it came off.   the motor doesn't get hot either.


 how usual is it for DCC  decoder to get warm when running I can't say  I have noticed it on any other of my models.






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I have moved the decoder to the side of the chassis so the PCB won't get warm hopefully the metal of the chassis will help to dissipate the heat . 


Going to see how it goes for a bit then if I have any problems I will give Hornby a call and see what they say but I don't think the locomotive is faulty 


thanks for all the help and suggestions




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Decoders can get warm if they are passing max current loads as when running a loco flat out or under heavy load of wagons/coaches conditions.


Tape is not recommended as a decoder wrap as it holds in the heat and the glue can be semi-conductive. It can however be used as a suitable insulating barrier on metal parts. Kapton tape is even better than B&Q type insulating tape.


The best decoder insulation is heat shrink tube which has just been 'nipped' up at the ends by a bit of heat to stop it sliding off, whilst leaving the ends open to circulate some air.

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