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Hornby Select flashing 12


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Hi all,

Master Mallard has a new DCC layout, powered underneath by drop wires and bus and used with a Hornby Select controller (with 1v adaptor that came with it)

We have an intermittent problem with the trains stopping and the Select unit flashing the number 12. This isn't an error code noted in the manual. We've noticed that the problem only occurs when using either James or Mallard (TTS) which are both tender engines, it doesn't happen with Thomas or Percy. 

Has anybody experienced something similar? 

Many thanks

Mrs Mallard


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Its probably a short causing the 1amp psu to drop voltage which will cause the Select to reboot but only getting as far as 12 (v1.2) before the short makes it repeat the process.

one of those locos has a problem, bit of debris, bridging a point, etc.

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Thanks for the replies

Fishmanoz  - all but one time have been when they are passing over points. We have some Hornby digital point clips in place, not sure if they could be dislodging and causing it?

We've checked both engines over and all wires between engine and tender are as they should be, nothing loose.


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I'm 100% in agreement with HFM and suspected it would be on points.  Either the wheel back-to-back measurement will be wrong on one or more wheel set and/or a bogie will be partially derailing causing the short as HFM described.  If you have a local model shop, they could check back-to-backs for you.


One other thing to check is if you have a curve connected directly to the point, the locos may negotiate it better if it has a straight leading into it.

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