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TTS decoder function setting.


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When setting function outputs on a TTS decoded locomotive (factory fitted) Function zero stated as being fixed for lights. All functions F1 -F5 appear to be selectable from drop down menu. However it would appear that these functions may be already  fixed  given the function information supplied with the locomotive. Are they fixed or selectable? Also the functions stated on the instruction suggest that it goes up to function 14. As i can only select function 1 to 5 is it possible using E-Link /computor to select above function 5? Or do i have to select five of the stated 14 function on the instruction between function 1 and 5. Rather confused but age is catching up with me.

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In RailMaster (eLink), if you click the small throttle (showing six function buttons) on the right hand side column (click the area in the middle near the top of the throttle that is indicated by a faint graphic watermark), it becomes a large throttle. Once it is a large throttle then you can access all the functions from F0 to F24


Review my 7th reply down on this previous post for further details.



The six selectable functions that you select with the tick boxes on the pull down menu ONLY relate to what functions are selected to show on the small throttle. All the functions are visible and accessible on the large throttle - see link above.


Thus the six tick boxes that you choose to tick, allow you to customise what functions are seen on the small throttle i.e the six functions you use most.

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The functions on a TTS decoder are fixed and can not be remapped to put a diferent sound on another F-number.


In RM you can alllocate  six functions to show on the small throttle by ticking them in setup, but all functions (18 on a steamer and up to 25 on a diesel) can be set purely by entering the R number of your loco in setup.


This will populate the large throttle with all available functions, which you can see by expanding the throttle, then clicking the small red triangle at the bottom to open up the function box, then click and drag to pull the functions up and down to see them all.

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In RailMaster (eLink), if you click the small throttle (showing six function buttons) on the right hand side column, it becomes a large throttle. Once it is a large throttle then you can access all the functions from F0 to F24


Review my 7th reply down on this previous post for further details.



The six selectable functions that you select with the tick boxes on the pull down menu ONLY relate to what functions are selected to show on the small throttle. All the functions are visible and accessible on the large throttle - see link above.

 Thank you both for the Answer, i expect it was somewhere in the documentation but i was not sure where to look. You have saved me hours and will bring a smile to my grandson .Thank You.


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Fac, may I suggest you forget about the blue quote a post button and just use the text box and green Reply button at the bottom of the page.  That way you won't unnecessarily repeat other people's posts and we'll be able to see easily what you are saying. 


And I trust the grandson enjoys the loco now, you too.

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Having removed mallard from loco list and then added mallard as new with search as the correct R number off the box then having read the cv values from the loco on program track all function outputs remain blank. Noting that railmaster instructions state to select function outputs steam 1 for Hornby, on selecting steam 1 the fixed function outputs are displayed. However some are differant to the fixed  function selection shown on the supplied locomotive sheet.  Should i edit or re-write theese to match the locomotive sheet? Are all Hornby steam locomotives the same sound functions? Is my railmaster sound function software out of date and should it match the locomotive sheet?  where have i got it wrong?   Any further advice much appreciated.              

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Reading the CV values from the decoder does not populate the function list. In fact, the function list will be populated for a loco that is in the Hornby database even if the loco is still in its original packing box. It is the act of calling up the loco by R number in the 'Loco Settings' page that populates the function list. The unanswered question is, is your particular loco actually IN the Hornby database?


If you were to tell us what your R number is, we can then try looking it up on our own RM setup and advise as to whether it should auto populate or not.


If it happens that it is not in the Hornby database then it can be set up manually. I wrote a 'step by step' guide for locos not in the database. You can find it here:



With regard to your statement:


Noting that railmaster instructions state to select function outputs steam 1 for Hornby


Unfortunately, this is a misunderstanding of the instructions Hornby have given. Steam 1 & Steam 2 plus Diesel 1 & Diesel 2 are a set of defaults Hornby have created for locos that are either not in the Hornby database, or indeed not even Hornby locos. For example Steam 2 and Diesel 2 are predominantly meant for Bachmann locos.


These are not meant to be used for locos that are in the Hornby database and have no bearing on them. They populate the function list effectively with a 'stab in the dark' list of functions that may or may not match actual loco functions as listed on their respective instruction sheets. They are a set of function labels that have been averaged over many different locos. It is normal to expect to edit these labels when used.


In conclusion.


Tell us your R number and we can then give accurate advice.

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Once set up using the correct R number, ending in T for a TTS loco, you should not have to fiddle with anything.  All the functions should be correctly populated.  all you should need to put it on the programming track for will be to write a new loco ID, assuming you started with the default 03.


So having fiddled with those Steam 1 and 2, I suggest you delete it from your roster and start again. It should all be right having called up the correct R number.


And just in case, if you are setting up a non-sound steam loco, there won't be any functions st all as the loco won't have any.

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The loco i am installing is Mallard R3395T  the loco is found on a search but no function outputs are installed. I had a similair problem some time ago when i installed duke of gloucester TTS. I can get the sound functional but not the functions agreeing with the engine documentation. (It sounds rather good anyway, but selecting functional output often gives differant results to expected due to mismatch of railmaster function description against loco  function effect) Please note i have always used steam 1 function due to raimaster functional output showing blank. Perhaps i need to use the railmaster help to allow fix. I expected it was something i was doing incorrectly.

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FAC, the first error you are making is to select a loco Type, Steam 1/Diesel 1 etc, you are not supposed to be doing this as it overwrites the functions set up from calling up the loco in the database.


Chris has written a full guide on how to go about it in the RM Forum Loco Registration topic at https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/forum/loco-registration/?p=1


Go through his guide except use the Mallard.  And start again from scratch, do not attempt to amend an existing loco in your roster.

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Having read the suggested page by Chris, that would appear to be exactly the same method as i have used ,it finds R3395 mallard and brings up the loco picture the only differance being is that it does not populate the function list which remains blank.  I have also read Chris follow up article on loco not found in the database so i will utilise the information where one adds the function selections from the loco documentation by manualy typing them.  Still puzzled by why my function list does not load automatically even though the search finds R3395T mallard . When loaded there is no refrence to the R number just mallard with the photo in blue. Should the R number be referenced  when loaded? Thank you for the advice i will possibly contact via railmaster link for further checking. Railmaster updated the other day successfully.

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I have just tried adding R3395T to my own RM system and can confirm that there is a fault with the Hornby database and that everything is as you describe. You are not doing anything wrong. This loco has not been added correctly to the database by HRMS.


Report this error to HRMS using the inbuilt 'Help Support' request system or alternatively via direct mail to support@rail-master.com then it should get resolved.


PS - I am using the second updated version of RM 1.65.0 and is the very latest RM version. I should add, that had you posted this issue in the forum RailMaster section that is monitored by HRMS, it may have been picked up by HRMS already and been resolved. Since it was posted in the forum DCC section, HRMS will not have seen it and you will need to tell them via the method described above.

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I was also thinking i was being a bit slow so no need for apologies rather more thank you for your continued help and assistance. I would have expected more failures reported but perhaps those who have purchased  R3395 are more tuned in and have entered their functions manually. I did have the same problem with Duke of Gloucester  but that was twelve month previous and i put it down to my misunderstanding. I now realise it should have been a railmaster problem  although at the time i thought the functions would be downloaded  from the reading of the loco chip on set up. I will inform the problem through the railmaster link. Thank you everyone for your assistance, i will report the solution when i have one.

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