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Hi,i am still learning ,please be patient.I returned a newish non functioning R2879 loco to my supplier.He returned it saying it works perfectly,just needed a decoder reset.Can anyone tell me why it occured and if it happens again can i carry out a reset myself.I have a modest layout so am only using a Hornby Select controller,do i need to upgrade to carry out a "reset" myself?If so what could you recommend?

Thank you.


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Sometimes a short circuit condition on the track, such as might be caused by a derailment, can cause the decoders to become unresponsive and needing to be reset.  On many decoders, this is done by writing a value of 8 to CV 8.  Other decoders may need a different value to reset them.  Unfortunately, you cant write CVs with the Select, just one of the limitations of a basic controller.

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Select can't reset a decoder. Which needs direct CV access to do so.  So if you wanted to remain with Hornby DCC (and you don't have to!) your choices are an Elite and use the Select as a slave (Walkabout) to the Elite or obtain an eLink and Railmaster software and use a PC.


Normally if a short circuit occurs and the decoder self resets, you will find its returned to address number 3 and can be readdress by the Select to its original address number between 1 and 59.

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You could as an alternative option, buy a SPROG II for £45, this would be a lot cheaper than replacing your Select with another controller. It does however, require a PC to use it. This inclusive package (hardware + software, but excluding PSU) could be used to program your decoder CVs via a PC. I use SPROG II and it is an excellent bit of kit. It would give you full access to all the loco CVs that you cannot currently configure with your Select controller, including the CV8 reset CV.


The SPROG II is not a controller, it is a DCC programmer. Thus it would just supplement your Hornby Select, not replace it. Note the SPROG II power supply is not included, any regulated supply matching the voltage / current requirements (12 volts DC @ 1.25 Amps) can be used. It is useful that the optional £10 power supply is not included as standard, for buyers that are not UK located.


The software included in the SPROG II package is JMRI which includes "DecoderPro", this is open source freeware. It can be downloaded from the JMRI website if you prefer to install and view the user interface before purchasing a SPROG II. Note: It is not obvious on the JMRI website, but you can't download DecoderPro in isolation. It is installed as part of the complete "JMRI 4.6 Production Version" application. When this is installed, you get two shortcuts placed on your PC Desktop. 'DecoderPro' and 'PanelPro' (PanelPro is the JMRI layout controller interface which you don't need to use).



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Not a bit of "Active promotion" there is it CAF?  😮

I have used a SPROG II for about 5 or more years.  A little bit temperamental in getting it going at first but brilliant once it is. You can control locos/simple layout with it too by using the JMRI software and it is ideal for keeping  a detailed register of all locos CVs etc.  SPROGIII is a higher powered similar unit.

I just obtained Railmaster an an eLink to evaluate.  Hmm.... talk about taxing the brain to get Win10 to see the elink, but its working now.  Not Plug & Play by any means!!!

I now have four different DCC systems. SPROG II, Hornby eLink, NCE PowerCab and a MRC Prodigy Advanced 2  Which is best?  The next to last one I feel or the latter for track power out of the box.

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Not a bit of "Active promotion" there is it CAF?


Debatable.......but IMHO I think not.

Its not as if it is replacing the Select, only supplementing it. If I was to be found promting a replacement controller, then like you did I would be sticking to Hornby products. There is a possibility that the OP may have replaced the Select with a different brand, so suggesting a SPROG still keeps the OP predominently using Hornby.


it is ideal for keeping  a detailed register of all locos CVs


I agree with that. I recently replied to a post where I needed to check values of my own loco CVs first to provide a fuller answer. I just referred to what had been saved in my SPROG profile for quick access to the information.


Re: set-up. My own SPROG is on Com 8. None of this having to keep it below Com 5 as you do with RM. My only gripe is that JMRI could have a more intuitive GUI. DecoderPro GUI is slightly better, but not much. I did however get my DecoderPro all set up and working without resorting to manuals and guides, so it is not that bad.

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Thank you all for your very helpful replies,i have only five locos,and only three running at one time, but if the problem occurs on a regular basis i will consider an upgrade in controller.One of the few downsides of living in rural Spain are weekly elec supply failures and a voltage fluctuation that gives some electronics a few problems!

Thanks again.

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Out of interest FB, did you do your RM/eLink setup from scratch with the eLink connected and turned on and installing latest RM from the link at the top of the RM forum?  I ask because this arrangement should give you the correct entries in your ini file for eLink and W10.  Any other way of doing it like installing any version of RM first, CD or latest, will give you a default ini file that you then have to go into and edit.  All the details for that are in Setting Up and Getting Started, second from top sticky thread in the RM forum.

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