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DCC Conversion possibility ?


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I assume its a Hornby Dublo 2 rail loco?  If so, they can tend to be quite hard to convert.  These were ex Wrenn locos and the motors are hard to isolated from the metal chassis, though not impossible to do so.  They also tended often to suffer from poor motor magnets. These can be remagntised by specialists and then gives a vastly improved performance and reduced current draw too.

Personally due to its age and the difficulty involved in conversion I wouldn't try and convert it.  


This link is to the service sheet, but it really doesn't help that much with insulating the motor from the live chassis. 


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Hello Flashbang

Thankyou for your speedy if disappointing reply.You have certainly picked out the right loco as shown on the exploded parts diagram. You have said much the same as my local model shop.

If I were to persue this simply for the sake of regaining my lost youth, where sshould Ilook for technical assistance?

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Hi Kitacrone..........as FB says, it is a difficult and delicate job but is feasible......in my picture note the white wire soldered to the rear brush retainer.  This holds the brush in the brush tube with a spring.. This tube must be drilled out and removed, the tunnel in the casting then has to drilled out to a larger diameter to accommodate a new brass brush tube that is covered in insulation.......I think I drilled out with a 4mm bit and used a 3.5mm brass tube wrapped in tape to push fit back into the chassis.......the carbon brush was then refitted with spring and retainer and the decoder wires soldered to relevant points.......note the original capacitors were discarded....... I also added a small neodymium magnet on the back of the existing magnet underneath the black insulating tape........it works extremely well.......... 😀..........HB


This is the 2-6-4T chassis but almost identical to yours.........

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This is my first post on this forum so please bear with me.

I have spent some time building a set up which naturally is not for me but for my grandson!!! I have garnered a lot of help and advice from this forum and my local model shop who are very knowledgeable. The system is DCC and I have various locos and a turntable.

I still own from my childhood a LMR "City of London" Coronation class model 2226 Locomotive and Tender (Hornby Dublo) 12 volt (circa 1960) which I had running before conversion to DCC. It is in excellent condition. I would dearly love to get it compatible with the digital system.

I am told that a chip conversion would be unsuccessful due to - I'm not sure why-. Something to do with the motor ???? Certainly this loco is considerably heavier than its modern equivelants.

My questions are:-

Am I asking the impossible?

If not then what chip should I use ?

If there is not enough room inside the body can the chip be fitted either in the tender or on the footplate and if so what caliber of wire extension would I need ?

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help me.



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HB, 2 or 3 rail, I would describe this as quite difficult conversion beyond the capability of mere soldering iron jockeys.  I'm assuming there is some precision needed in the drilling out operation?


Also, is there a reason for wrapped brass rather than say just a plastic sleeve?

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@Fishmanoz..........well I am no engineer but perhaps as a very experienced diyer (including all own plumbing & electrics) over many years can turn my hand to most jobs..........I drilled out the tube with a handheld power drill (carefully)........the benefit of using brass tube is to gain maximum conductivity for the carbon brush........using a plastic tube would limit the brushes contact to just the end of the tiny spring..........HB

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Thank you both Howbiman and Fishmanoz. From what you have both said I would not feel confident setting about this conversion myself but would still like to see the loco running. If I can get somebody to do it for me I will or else set up an adjacent analogue track specifcally for it.

Many thanks again.

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