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Elite and Select Connection Issues


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Hi all,

I have my Hornby Select attached to my Elite and when I power up the system the Select and Elite both go through their intialisation then the Select flashes CE.  If I hit cancel on the Select the error clears and all is fine.


Is this normal.  I am assuming the Select finishes its intialisation before the Elite and thats why it comes up.  Also occassionaly I will be controlling a loco with the Select hooked to the Elite and the number of the Loco on the Select will start flashing.  Once again hit cancel on the Select and it clears the problem.






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You,are correct about the Select being quicker to boot than the Elite. Hitting cancel clears the error.


When you are controlling from the Elite the Select flashes to indicate it does not have control.If you take control back the screen will go steady.


By the way what revisions,are both your Seelct and Elite running As a mismatch can affect functionality betwixt the two.

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Further to my previous post, the reason I ask about revision states is that I notice that with my Select at v1.5 and Elite at v1.43 with improved comms between the two that the Select boots to address 03 even though the Elite is still getting there, so the latest firmware updates appear to have had resolved that previous error.

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