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Railroad Class 47 with Sound.


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Not without a lot more information Homer, and if you have it wrong in what you are suggestion you have a significant chance of blowing your decoder.


Let me describe what you should be able to find.  Starting with the pickups, there should be a wire or wires coming from each side.  These will connect to diagonally opposite corner connections on the DCC connector into which the decoder plugs.  Decoder red and black wires are plugged into these 2.


The other 2 corners should connect to the motor and they will connect via the plug to decoder orange and grey wires.  One of the connector wires to the motor may go via your "red capacitor" with one end of this capacitor connected to the motor and the other to the connector wire (in which case it is actually a red inductor) or both wires may go direct to the motor connections and the red capacitor is connected to both motor terminals (in which case it really is a capacitor).


Does that make any sense of what you have and where the broken connections are?  And be aware if you get it wrong and connect a wire from the pickups to the motor connection on the decoder, you will blow the chip.


And one final thing, that capacitor is quite unnecessary and can be removed such that decoder orange goes to one motor connection directly and decoder grey directly to the other, and no extra components are connected across the motor terminals.  These components are for interference suppression but that is now contained in the decoder.


And Mods, another for moving to the DCC forum.

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Can anyone assist, I have removed the body of the above loco to find two grey coloured wires have come adrift, before I attempt to solder them back can anyone confirm that one is attached to the wheel pickup contact and the other to the red compacitor which is on the side of the motor and also that is does or does not matter which way round the wires are connected.

many thanks

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THanks for the info, both wires are light grey and are on the side of the motor with the capacitor i would say that one should be attached to the wheel pick up and the other to the capacitor judging by the length of the wires.

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I would strongly recommend checking what each of those wires is in continuity with using a meter if the Mk1 eyeball isn't of any use.


unplug the decoder when you do this...


One would think under conventional wiring colour it would be motor to decoder socket, but I would guess the wheel pickups as its route would be from each bogie hence two wires to the decoder socket.


See Hornby DCC page for decoder socket pin allocation.


Hornby has been known to wire the whole loco in the same colour wire, usually black.

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@Homer1.........here's where the two grey wires attach, one to the motor and the other to pick-up strip........is very important to trace back to the socket board to determine correct connection.........HB


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To assist with using HB's reply above.


Image below courtesy of Brian Lambert's web site. Note the wire colours relate to that of a decoder and not the wire colours necessarily used on the loco wiring.




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On my Class 47 TTS  the two grey wires terminate into the paxolin board beneath the decoder socket one is next to pin 8 and the other is next to pin 5 so it is vitally important to get them located correctly at the motor end......note the other motor connection wire is Black which should connect to pin 1 as long as one of the grey wires is connected to pin 5......HB

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