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Function button settings

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Hi all

I have a couple of locos with a brake function. Using the elite a quick dab on F2 reduces the speed and holding it longer increases the brake force. How can I replicate this on Railmaster. I have tried various settings as per the manual but even a quick on off has such a delay that the brakes are fully applied.

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Have tried it both ways with the same result, the time of the pulse is long enough to give full braking. A similar thing can happen with a multi engine start, pressing on off on with the elite gives one engine start followed by the second, with railmaster you have to be very quick with the on off on or you get a failed start ie the engine shuts down. I tried setting the macro to P0 and nothing happens, P1 I assume is a 1 second pulse and is long enough to apply the brake fully. Before someone says 'why not just use the elite', it normally controls the station area and is some distance from the computor requiring diving under a roof beam.

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On the Elite when you select a function on it latches until you select if off again, or if you press and hold it becomes momentary i.e. When you release the button the function drops out.


In RM if a function is set up as on/off then you have to switch it on then off else it runs till you do. Without the on/off RM sends the command twice, once to set the function running and the second time to reset the function ready for next time.

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