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Using Select for locos up to 99


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Have just watched a video on Youtube, with Nigel Burkin and Tony Wright, on the introduction to DCC. On the video Nigel states he can use the Select for controlling locos up to 99.

How can this be done?

I am controlling points via DCC Concepts ADS-8fx, so the extra locos would be ideal in combination with my Elite controller.


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The Select limit is 59 locos. If you have more locos than this to register then you need to double up on some addresses, then swap them out as required.


Maybe if you could post a link to the video we could check it as even experts such as they are not immune to a slip of the tongue.

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The video at time stamp 32:00 is just plain wrong. See more detailed comment at bottom of this reply.


A Select can only address (use) Locos from 1 to 59

A Select uses addresses 61 to 99 for Accessories (i.e. points) say for example using your ADS-8fx. These cannot be used for Locos.

Address 60 can be used as an accessory address with limitations, but is best avoided.


Your existing Elite can already address (use):

Short Loco addresses from 1 to 127

Long Loco addresses from 128 to 9999

Accessory addresses 1 to 252 if using Hornby R8247 decoders, but with NMRA support for accessory addresses up to 2,048.


The above is predominantly documented on Page 6 of the Elite manual.


Therefore, your existing Elite can already control far more locos and accessories than a Select can ever do.



Rob, The video 'oldspotter' refers to, is the three hour video previously posted about on this forum (link below). However having done a quick bit of fast forwarding the offending comment about 99 loco addresses is found at time stamp 32:00 The two presenters contradict each other and BOTH make incorrect statements. One says all 99 addresses can be used for locos and the other says he thought only 1 to 49 could be used for locos. They are both incorrect and it is obvious they have not actually used the product and a case of the 'blind leading the blind'.



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I have hidden the post you have just made as you have used the White Arrow / Blue Box button that has re-quoted my long reply, but you failed to add any new text. Can I advise that the blue button in the posts be ignored, it is NOT a 'Reply to this post' button.


When you want to reply, use the big empty 'Reply' text box at the bottom of the page and click the green 'Reply' button.

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Oldspotter, what is it you want to do?........if you explained your issue / problem then we could more accurately advise.


For example: are you looking for a way to add a Select to your existing Elite so that you have a third control knob for locos? If that is your issue, then that can easily be done with caveats that we can explain and guide you on.


PS - Welcome to the forum by the way.

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When you consider this video originates as a pirate copy of a commercially produced DVD, now out of production.


Just a lack of preparation. You would have thought that once they realised that they were contradicting each other they would have thought to double check their facts before continuing with the video production.


I have yet to see a RailMaster YouTube video that I can wholeheartedly recommend for accuracy. Every one I have seen to date is full of errors and lack of knowledge of how the software functions, particularly with regard to setting up and software configuration. I appreciate the video above has nothing to do with RM, but this seemed a good enough place as any to make the RM YouTube comment.


Good quality RailMaster 'How To' videos are sadly lacking.


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