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Points Only Changing One Way

The Captain90

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So far I have installed and wired up 10 Peco points which are changed using a DCC Concepts ADS-8fx Decoders. 9 of these work fine but one is giving me grief. When I select this point to change one way its fine but changing it the other way all I get is a faint click sound from the Decoder. Have checked the wiring and tried another port on the Decoder but to no avail.

Any thoughts as to what the problem could be?

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John, thanks for the advice. I have removed the motor and let it hand down. Still have the same problem - it works fine one way but the decoder just clicks when the other direction is selected so it cannot be the mechanical alignment.

By the way, this is the second point motor on the same point that is causing exactly the same problem. It really has me stumped.

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To prove the ADS-8fx 'OK or not' try a different port on that with the suspect point motor.


Also does the ADS-8fx have points on its other ports that work perfectly OK?

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Yes Chris I have a point on another port on the same ADS-8fx which works fine.

Problem solved - at least for now. Not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but I have tried two different point motors only to get the same result - fine switching one way but decoder just clicks when trying to change the other way.

Anyway I have put in a third point motor and it is working fine at present - its switching both ways.

Still think there may be another underlying problem as what would be the chances of getting 2 faulty point motors.

Suppose time will tell.

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Consider using a different ADS-8fx port. One possibility is an intermittent fault on the output circuit of the ADS-8fx port you are using, a broken track or a dry soldered joint. It may be the act of unscrewing wires and screwing them up again is making the dodgy connection work again for a short period.

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The clicking you are hearing is the onboard latching relay used for switching the point frog polarity. If you have a multimeter, see if you have anything coming from the "solenoid" terminals of the port in question when you fire the point. You may even find you have a constant current on the faulty side even when there they are not being fired.


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