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Elite Programming Output Failure


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I'm opening this topic as a discussion area for anyone who has lost their Elite programming ability.


What were the circumstances preceding the failure and what have you tried to make it work again and were you successful.


This is the third one of mine that has failed;


#1 - just failed to work one day several years ago - no idea how or why. Used as a test box since as the track output still works OK.


#2  - It was working until I reset the Elite 2 years ago thereafter it didnt work - round about firmware v.1.3. I thought the unit had recovered at v1.43 reload but after cross connecting the track and boost terminals with the probes when 'scoping the outputs I noticed it had failed again.


#3 - it was working until I again cross connected when 'scoping the track and boost outputs, thereafter it didnt work.


I'm not saying cross connecting these two pairs of terminals with the 'scope probes could have caused the problem as the Elite cried Error each time and tripped in self protection then everything seemed to work after ESCing the Error, so no damage should have occurred from that mishandling but it just seems a bit coincidental to me.


I have tried reloading v1.42, then v1.43 to see if I can reset things and also tried several unit resets, but to no avail. Changing modes Classic to Standard and back doesnt make any difference either.


I get a nornal AC readout on my meter from the Track terminals as expected, but a low reading on both boost and prog outputs (1vAC), which drops further (0.3vAC) when actually programming. As these outputs share a relay then when one voltage level is up the other is down and vice-versa.


The Elite makes all the right noises and the red led flashes in sympathy but there is not enough Prog output to even light the leds on my ESU decoder test rig during programming.


One suggestion has been to tap the unit whilst programming to attempt to encourage the relay to wipe its contacts of any oxidisation. I have applied a steady and sustained vibration, even direct to the relay itself using an old mobile phone vibro-motor. No change.


Over to you guys.




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Hello Rob,

My first Elite failed just as you describe about a year ago. As far as I can recall, I hadn't been doing anything out of the ordinary. One day, I wanted to read some CVs from a loco (via Railmaster) to check some values, and it wouldn't play. I retried using the Elite menu, but still no go. At the time I was on 1.42. Other than a reset, I did very little else to try to get it going. The track output was fine, as was control through Railmaster.

I lived with it for a while, until I needed to address a new loco. At this point I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new Elite, which I have since successfully upgraded to 1.43. I haven't touched the old one since, but I'd be glad to try any experiments, as long as it doesn't involve taking its lid off 😮



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37 lover. hi, that of course, is between you and your insurer.  My previous career, specialised in this  If my laptop hard drive, broke, again, i would be covered. Its all down to how you set it up. As for paying the first £50, excess, if thats what you decide to agree, that would still give you  a far bit towards a new Elite.  There is a  large lack of understanding about  contents cover. The policy holder, can negotiate, whatever he wants, provided he accepts the price. All my fishing tackle/ trains are fully protected.  Why would you fail to do so. My view is that i could not afford to replace them, so, something like £30 per month for my contents cover, is money well spent. My excess, is £30, again, negotiated.. Shop around, you will be amazed at the offers you get. Its a buyers market. john

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one check you could do please is monitor the voltage levels on both the Prog and Boost terminals.


the boost is paralleled with the track obviously for use with booster unit but prog only powers up during actual programming pulses.


they should be same as track voltage and due to that relay one should be on when the other is off and vice-versa.


thanks Rob

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Hi Rob,

I have carried out the tests you asked for on the old Elite, and the results were as follows:-


Track output 15.9/16.0vAC constantly (even during programming)

Boost output 1.7vAC drops to zero when programming

Programming output 0vAC constantly (even during programming)

Aux output 15vDC constantly



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Thanks Ray

Much the same as I saw then.


just checked Hornby shop - not due in until July.


Amazon are trying to flog a second hand one for 441GBP plus P&P.


eBay is not my preferred shopping centre.


Looks like the eLink may get used to readdress some locos to short addresses so the Select can do its thing, although the Elite is still OK for running.

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