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To bring a hidden window to the front (Windows PC....can't comment on iPads and Androids) press Alt + Tab key. Repeated presses of the Tab key whilst Alt is held will step sequentially through all windows that are open.

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Even when the window is selected it will not allow any access.

Do you mean that none of the buttons on the edit window work?

Try recording a new program. When you have finished, RM will ask whether you want to edit it or not. If you say Yes, it will open the edit window with the recorded lines. See if this works or not.


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Tested offline mode and the same thing happens with a new recording.

My other laptop also has Railmaster installed and that edit button works fine. However, this is a minor update behind. Not sure whether to gamble with update and see what happens.

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I suggest you try Ray's suggestion to record a new program then try to edit it.  When that has failed, email HRMS from the email in the Help window so they get your log.txt file and can see what happened.  Do it from your copy which is latest, in fact download and update again from the link to make sure, because this will be first question they ask you.

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Downloaded updated and retried with Ray's suggestion.

However log is showing following

26/01/17 23:09:28 Recovering temoprary program26/01/17 23:09:29 Loading message window26/01/17 23:09:57 Message displayed: Would you like to recover the last program you were working on? (565) - Response=1

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RM does this if it is closed down (whether intentionally or not) while you are editing a program to which you have applied changes. During the editing process, a temporary amended file is maintained containing each change you make. It is deleted when your editing session is closed down normally. If the file still exists when you try to start up a new editing session, then you should see that message being displayed i.e


Would you like to recover the last program you were working on?


It sounds to me that you were not seeing this message on the screen and that the first time you knew about it was when you saw it in the log file?



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