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Cannot Upgrade/download 1.65.1

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We are now at v1.65.1 Version 0.


I have just reported to HRMS that I downloaded from the link, but at restart RM was still at v1.64.


Auto-update kicked in and installed v1.65.1 rev 0 which restarted OK at that new state.



My second large throttle problem which wont stop a Class 395 is still there.


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I concur that www.powerpos.com is linking to the earlier 1.64.1 RailMaster file. But powerpos.com should be treated as an 'out of date' server location. The current RailMaster user guide has replaced references to www.powerpos.com with www.rail-master.com. Thus www.rail-master.com should be used for all future downloads.



You may want to review the file on the www.powerpos.com server in light of this thread.

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In Firefox if you hover the cursor over a link. The underlying URL is shown in the bottom left task bar. When hovering over the link at the top of the forum RailMaster download link. The www.rail-master.com URL is shown as per Rob's post above.


My reference to powerpos.com was not inferring that this forum used powerpos.com for the download. Apologies if it was read this way.


As an aside, I have tried again to force an auto update by reinstalling the file from the top of the forum RailMaster section download link and my copy of RailMaster still refuses to auto detect an upgrade and is still at 1.65.0. I have not tried downgrading my copy to 1.64 first though as Rob infers that he has done.

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I had downloaded from the link 3 days on the trot Chris, but not seen that RM was in fact still at v1.64 on screen.

I may not have noticed if the auto-update hadn't kicked in. That took me by surprise having supposedly just installed the latest version minutes before.


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Now is this v1.65.1 just a Pro-Pack thing as I have tried the same update scenario on my non-Pro copy of RM  and manually downloaded and installed v1.65 Rev 0 as no auto-update seen before or after for any further v1.65.1 update.


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Just downloaded and installed RM from the link at the top of the page, Still shows as v1.65 revision 0





Now that's weird.

Down graded to v1.64 and was informed that an upgrade to v1.65.1 was available, upgraded to v1.65.1, went to run it and...........


Avast anti virus kicked in and said that it was a potentially dangerous file !!!!

Accepted it as trusted, but windoze says I don't have permission to run this file?????

Fortunately re-installing v1.65 works.

I'll try again later to see if anything changes.

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Just tested all this at 21.15 this evening.

The powerpos download is definitely still 1.64 and will update to 1.65.1 though if you hover over the version number it shows revision 0.

The rail-master.com (direct web link for RailMaster) download either via the button at the foot of the page or the direct link at rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe will download version 1.65 and shows revision 0 when hovering over the version number.

So, although v1.65 is downloaded there is a small variation in the Revision number meaning railmaster.com has the newer update but will not, at this stage, update to revision 1.65.1 whereas the powerpos download does update to 1.65.1.


As asked above this is nothing to do with the Pro Pack... this is as is on the standard RM download.

Thoroughly tested on my own PC away from the main RM version on my laptop.

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Just received a message from Avast anti virus saying that the file is clean and that it has been added to their data base.

Downgraded to v1.64 again, started RM an it offered me the upgrade to v1.65.1, accepted and installed.

All now running ok.



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Anyone running AVG or Avast will receive an unwelcome message that the program wants to scan the rm_setup.exe file before it installs it as they believe the file cannot be trusted.

This goes for downloads from powerpos.com and rail-master.com. The programs then tell you it will be a short while before the file is tested by their offices and cleared for install. But why wait?

The protection that stops the updates going in for RailMaster is Cybercapture. Both Avast and AVG have this as part of their interface and if you didn't already know AVG is, of course, owned now by Avast as of July 2016 so the pattern with both programs will be the same virtually.


So how do you circumvent this delay and have the file pass by that check?

Simple... in AVG open the Zen interface and click the larger antivirus free button. Click on Menu at the top right. Click Settings. Remove the tick where it says Enable Cybercapture.

In Avast on the General tab simply remove the tick from Enable Cybercapture.

Run RailMaster again and THIS time the updates will work.


You could just leave those ticks in place and click the option 'allow me to decide' but the warnings STILL appear and you now get an option to run the file anyway although both programs suggest this is not recommended. Well, what would they know? You've asked the software to allow you to decide and they still want to stop your update. Marvellous.


Once the update is done you can simply turn on Enable Cybercapture in either program.

After a little time both programs come back with a super duper popup saying the RailMaster file is clean. Well, you don't say....


The file is not actually added to the database at each lab as it says it does... otherwise only one person would get the message about the file being possibly malicious. I have had the message three times from each during testing...

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I can now confirm that the installer files on both www.rail-master.com AND www.powerpos.com have both been updated to the install the 1.65.1 version of RM.


Oddly though, at the time of testing (10 minutes ago) this is still not being picked up as an auto-update if running 1.65.0 which in my view it should.


Of course, it makes perfect logical sense that if you downgrade to 1.64.1 first, then the auto-update will kick in and install the later version. In this case 1.65.1


Of course, early adopters can know download 1.65.1 from the forum link and install it manually.


I'm assuming HRMS saw my earlier comment about the powerpos.com version hence why that link now offers the 1.65.1 file as well. Maybe if HRMS see this reply they will modify the 1.65.1 file server settings to make it trigger the auto-update function.


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I've downloaded and installed v16.65.1 rev 0 from the link on the forum, or so RM tells me. It would be nice if HRMS could update the link description.

The link is supplied by Hornby web site Admin not directly by HRMS. I will ask Adam to fix it For you.


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Does this mean that the extra .1 refers to what we have been calling the Revision number in the past, or does this version still have a Revision number of zero? If you hover the mouse cursor over the 1.65.1 on the RM Main Screen, it still displays Rev 0.


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